Chapter 11: Training

Comenzar desde el principio


Team seven stood in a clearing in the nearby woods. Kakashi leaned on his crutches and first went over a review of chakra which Yukana kind of ignored since the basic rules didn't apply to her chakra flow. Sakura took over the chakra explanation when Naruto couldn't pronounce 'chakra' incorrectly. When she started to talk about the balance between spiritual and physical energy, Yukana thought that maybe hers was imbalanced and her spiritual energy may be overpowering the physical.

"But what does it matter? All we need to do is know the jutsu." Naruto piped up in which Sasuke agreed for once.

"No," Kakashi spoke firmly. "You barely scratched the surface of this power. Listen, it's as Sakura said, you have to combine the spiritual and physical energies within yourself." Kakashi then started to explain the different types of chakra and how one needs to use them in different proportions per each jutsu.

But, what if I don't have any of those other natures? Yukana knitted her brows in thought.

"Up until now, you have only guessed at the proportions and to fully learn it, you must train so hard that controlling chakra becomes second nature to you." Their sensei eyed them strictly.

"What do we have to do?" Sakura asked.

"Climb a tree," Kakashi said with a closed eyed smile. Now, everyone was confused once again. How could climbing a tree be beneficial? "There's just one rule, no hands." Kakashi did a hand sign and slowly made his way to the nearest tree and started walking up it!

"How is he doing that?" Yukana stared in awe.

Kakashi stood upside down on a branch and looked up at his team. "Well, you get the idea. Focus your chakra to the soles of your feet and use it to connect to the tree."

"That's a nice trick, but how is this going to help us fight Zabuza?" Yukana nodded her head at Sakura's conclusion.

"It's the only way to fight Zabuza. That's the entire goal of this training." Kakashi explained how only advanced ninja's can focus chakra in different parts of their body and the feet are the most difficult. "If you can master this, you can master any jutsu. Well, theoretically at least." He looked to Yukana who was deep in thought. "I can talk about this all day, but you need to apply the chakra through training." The Jonin threw a kunai at the feet of each student. "Use the kunai to mark the tree at the highest point you can climb and keep trying to get passed it. Run at the tree first to gain momentum, until you get used to it."

Yukana picked up her kunai and did the hand sign to focus her chakra. It's still hard to pinpoint its direction and focusing it to my feet just seems impossible! The other three Genin shouted that they got it and started running at their trees. Already!? Yukana focused harder and flat out shoved all her chakra downwards. "Kyaaaa!" the white haired girl shot fifteen feet up in the air with a scream. Everyone had puzzled looks on their faces. "I'm ok!" She got up and focused again. Her face started to tinge red in embarrassment.

Well, I haven't seen that done before. Kakashi sweat dropped and looked at his other Genin. Sasuke used too much chakra and Naruto didn't use enough. That's about what I expected from those two.

"Hey, this is fun!" Everyone looked to Sakura who was sitting on a branch. Kakashi praised Sakura's skill in front of her teammates.

Already!? Yukana looked at the pinkete in disbelief. Kakashi then began to taunt them about how were they supposed to fulfill their dreams if they couldn't do what Sakura has learned in such a short time. Give me a break already, sensei! I'm on a whole different playing field. Yukana frowned and continued to focus. "Kyaaaa!" She flew up into the air again landing on her butt. Each time she flew, there was a small crater where she stood. Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, forming a silent challenge.

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