Out in the Field.

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Author's note: This is not set in the episode "Gatekeeper"

The team finally caught and arrested the unsub. He was killing red-headed women in their late twenties, who looked like his ex-wife. 

Emily walked with JJ out of the house where they caught the unsub, while Hotch was walking with the rest of the team. JJ had been keeping a close eye on a very pregnant Emily because she had noticed her acting a little weird since that morning. 

JJ continued to walk, not noticing that Emily had stopped walking with her. It only took her a moment to realize that she was no longer next to her. She turned around to see her bent over with her hand on her stomach. She quickly made her way back over to Emily. She asked, "Are you okay?"

Emily stood straight up again once what she thought a was Braxton Hicks contraction had passed. She nodded at JJ before she said," Yeah, I'm okay. It  was just a strong Braxton Hicks contraction."

JJ said," Have you been getting them since this morning?"

Emily interrupted herself mid nod when she felt a gush of water and then heard it hit the concrete below her.

JJ automatically knew that it was real contractions when she saw Emily's water break. She said," Em, those weren't Braxton Hicks. You're in labor."

She said," I can't be, I'm not due for another two weeks."

JJ chuckled a little bit before she said," Like it or not. Your're in labor, this baby is coming today."

She grabbed JJ's hand and squeezed it when she felt another contraction. Once it passed, she let go of her hand and looked to see where Aaron was at. She spotted him and said," Aaron!"

Aaron quickly turned around when he heard Emily yell his name. He made his way back over to Emily and JJ, not really expecting what Emily was going to tell him. He said," Em, what's wrong?"

Emily looked at him before she grabbed his hand. She said," The baby's coming."

He said," Are you sure?"

She started," Ye-" She cut herself off in the middle of her sentence when she got another contraction. She placed her head on her his chest as she waited for the contraction to pass. She felt Aaron start to rub circles into her back with his free hand since she was still grabbing his hand.

Aaron looked at JJ and said," Time these."

JJ nodded and pulled out her phone time how long it took for Emily to get another contraction.

They waited there, somewhat quietly as they waited for the next contraction. When JJ saw Emily squeeze his hand again, she checked the time. 

Three minutes.

"Hotch, her contractions are three minutes apart."

Spencer turn to look around when saw that Hotch was no longer near him when they had the unsub in the back of the cop car and we're ready to head back. He quickly spotted them, much farther back then the rest of them. He made his back over to them and noticed how Emily was leaning on Hotch. He said, "Is Emily in labor?"

He watched as JJ nodded at him. He said," How far apart are her contractions?"

"Three minutes."

He quickly did the calculations in his head before he turned to Hotch and said," Hey Hotch, if Emily's contractions are three minutes apart and the hospital is forty-seven minutes away at this time of day. Her contractions are only going to get closer together."

Aaron looked at him before he said, "Reid."

Spencer continued, "Emily isn't going to make it to the hospital before the baby comes."

Aaron nodded at him before he took Emily into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she carried her bridal style. He kissed her head before he started to walked to the SUVs. 

Emily got another contraction when they were almost to the SUVs. Aaron looked towards the rest of the team before he said," Dave, Morgan, JJ. Follow them, someone will call you when the baby is here."

Emily looked up from Aaron's shoulder and looked at JJ. She said," Can you stay with us? Please."

JJ nodded and said," Of course."

They watched as Dave and Morgan nodded and left with the police. As soon as they left, Aaron set Emily down in the SUV before called for an ambulance. He decided that he would call Jessica to let Jack know when the baby was finally born.

When Aaron came back from making the call. He say Emily squeezing JJ's hand. Once it passed, JJ said, " Hotch, they're about two minutes apart now."

He nodded before he helped her out of the front seat. He helped her into the back where they had more room, so she would be a little more comfortable. 

What seemed like hours, but was only about forty-five minutes later, sirens could be heard in the distance. Emily was at ten centimeters and she needed start pushing. Spencer said," Emily, I need you to ignore the sirens, I need you focus on pushing."

Aaron kissed Emily's head before said, " Come on baby. I know you can do it." 

He held his hand out so she could squeeze it as she pushed. He smiled slightly when he saw her grab it. He looked to see that she was holding JJ's hand as well.

She squeezed both of their hands as she pushed. Spencer said,"  Push Em. I know you can push harder."

After a lot of pushing, Emily relaxed into Aaron when she heard the cry of their baby. Spencer looked at them and smiled before he said, " You guys have a daughter." 

Aaron leaned down and kissed her lips. He smiled slightly as he felt her kiss him back. He said," You did it, Em. We have a daughter."

Emily looked up at him before she looked at JJ and Spencer as the paramedics cleaned her and the baby up. She said," Hey guys, we had been talking and we wanted you to be her godparents." 

JJ smiled and said," So what's our goddaughter's name?"

Emily smiled back at her before she said," Her name is Abigail Spencer Rose Hotchner."  

She smiled when her daughter was placed in her arms. She cried as she looked at the baby for who she seemed like she waited forever for. She ran her thumb across Abigail's cheek and said, " She's here, she's finally here."

The following day, Emily and Abigail were cleared to go home and fly. She and Aaron decide to keep the birth of his baby sister a secret from him until they got. They also didn't tell Penelope either, which is why they headed to the BAU after they landed. 

Emily was the last to get off the elevator. Penelope was shocked at first but then she was happy.She said," She looks like you Em."

Emily just smiled at her.

Soon Jessica had brought Jack to the BAU and said her goodbyes before she left. Five year old Jack quickly scanned the room for his dad. He smiled when he found him and ran over to him. He smiled as his dad bent do to hug him. He hugged his dad back before he looked around the room once more before looking at his dad again. He said," Daddy, where's Mama Emmy?"

Aaron smiled and said," She's coming buddy. We have a surprise for you."

Moments later, JJ came in with Emily not far behind her. Jack saw the baby that Emily was hold as soon as she walked in. He moved away from his dad and quickly made his way over to her. He said," Mama Emmy, is this the surprise Daddy was talking about?" 

Emily smiled and nodded at him before she said, " Yes." She paused and showed Jack his baby sister. She continued, " This is your little sister, Abigail Spencer Rose Hotchner."

Jack smiled as he looked at his baby sister. He said," Can I hold her?"

She said, " Of course you can, you need to sit down first."

He nodded at her before he sat down in a few chair at the round table. She gently placed Abigail in Jack's waiting arms. 

Jack smiles as he looks at his little sister. He brought his down some and kisses her head. He smiled once more and said," Hi Abby. I'm your big brother Jack. I just met you but I already love you so much."

Aaron kisses Emily's head as they watched Jack talk to his little sister.

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