Chapter 53

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Glee Club

It's been thirty minutes we are waiting for Mr. Schue and Ms. Rhodes. Fortunately, I brough my sketch book so I just sit down on the back row and drawing.

The others just having fun, like dancing or talking with each other but I love drawing these picture.

"Babe?" Puck called me.


"Babeeeeee?" Puck almost yelled.

"Yessss." I said without looking at him.

"You ignore me?" Puck asked.

"I'm busy, dont disturb." I simply said.

Puck didnt say anything but he make his seat closer to me. He spread his arm and suddenly touch my left hand and disturb my drawing.

"PUCKERMANNNNN!!!!!" I yelled.

"Ups sorry." Puck giggled.

I glared at him and continue drawing. I'm left-hand person like Santana. I cant write with my right hand and mostly I used my left hand for eating. Only one thing I could do with my right hand is playing guitar. Thats it.

"What did you draw huh?" Puck asked.

"Your butt." I simply answer.

"Seriously? I dont know how come you being obsessed with my butt?" Puck asked.

"Shut up!"

"Your rude turns me on, baby." Puck whisper on my right ear.

"Puck, you want to get a gift from me?" I smirked at him.

"Okay, what is that?" Puck raised his eyebrows.

I turned my face and place my sketch book on a seat next to me and draw something on his cheek.

"What the hell you do?" Puck asked.

"Draw my lips in your cheek." I smirked at him.

I keep drawing on his cheek and he didnt protest or anything. Until it's done and I go back to finishing my sketch.

"Guys, I have a tattoo with my fiancé's lips on my cheek." Puck yelled and stand up.

"It doesnt look like a lips, Puck." Artie frowned.

I hide my laugh and keep focusing with my sketch and pretend like I know nothing.

"It's totally someone's butt, dude." Finn said.

I cant handle it and laughed so hard. I draw Taylor's butt on Puck cheek since he cant stop disturb me.

"I think you got trapped by your fiancee, Puck." Santana said.

"Babe....." Puck groaned.

"You cant stop disturb me." I simply said.

"Puck, I though you will be smarter after become airman force. You still can easily get into her trap." Kurt said.

"It's done!" I yelled happily.

"What's done?" Finn frowned.

I walked to the front and bring my sketch book and show them. "This!" I smiled at them.

"That's cool. Isnt that sketch with all of us face?" Mike asked.

"Yep. I will convert this into digital version and I will send it to your email later." I smirked at them.

"Really an artist." Jake clapping.

"Thank you. By the end of this year, dont forget to come to UCLA because we will have the biggest Arts Fair this year and I will present my 3D arts that I've been working for." I said to them and go back to seat on my chair.

Sweet Caroline (Glee Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang