Chapter 22

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The bells rings.

I went out from girls locker room after cheerios daily practice. I looked at empty hallways and suddenly my face towel fall to the ground.

It's class time and mostly are in the clasroom except for cheerlader because we will face nationals next week.

I take my face towel from the ground but suddenly something catched my eyes. Honey stars cereal make a line right from the girls locker room to somewhere.

I know that someone want to trap me again but I dont care with that. It's Friday and I dont have any breakfast on Friday.

I take that cereal one by one and eat it. I followed that where the hell cereal is going end. This is yummy and I really like it. Thank God for gave me a delicious cereal.

I keep following that cereal until it stops in front of a dark classroom but I know that my cereal isnt end up here.

I keep trying to follow that cereal until my head crush into something. "Who is it?" I shouts.

Suddenly the light turning on slowly. I stand up from the ground with still holding a hand of full honey stars.

"How many days you havent eat breakfast huh?" A familiar husky voice.

"Puck? Why you fished me here?" I frowned at him.


"Because?" I raised my eyebrows.


Santana walks in bring a plate of pancake with a candle on it. I'm forget that today is my birthday.

"Guys, this is sweet." I chuckled.

"Nothing is sweeter than you." Puck smirked at me.

"Eww your cheesy words is disgusting." I laughed.

"Well happy birthday, E." Finn throw a confetti.

"You forget that today is also your birthday? Happy birthday to you too, Finn." I smiled at Finn.
"But why pancake?" I pointed at the pancake.

"Everyone in this choir room knows that Emily never had breakfast on Monday, Wednesday and Friday but for today, you have to." Mercedes chuckled.

"And that cereal idea, it came from trouty mouth." Santana said.

"Yeah I saw you followed a bar of chocolate last week." Sam said innocently.

"At first I though it was silly but Sam was right. Cant believe that my girl would do that." Puck rolled his eyes.

"This is special breakfast from all of us for you." Santana smiled at me.

"Aww thank you." I take that plate and hugged Santana.

"You're welcome, hun." Puck suddenly said.

I pulled Santana's body and turn my face at Puck and kissed his cheeck. "Thank you."

"See? Puckerman's magic will always working!" Puck said proudly.

I just chuckled about what he said. The others just rolled their eyes. Puck really become a sweet guy now.


Glee Club

"Guys I have a special plan!" Mr. Schue said to us.

"What is that Mr. Schue?" Mercedes asked.

"I'm going to ask Ms. Pilsburry for a proposal but I dont have any song to tell her. Can you guys help me?" Mr. Schue asked.

Sweet Caroline (Glee Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora