Chapter Eighteen- Flashbacks

Start from the beginning

It was the kind of joke that I expected him to laugh at though instead when I looked up. He wore a pained expression. I pushed his blonde hair from his face, “What’s up?” My eyes widened. “Wait! Alleys still in this school right? Mr K ‘s finally found out that it was Mel who put the money in her locker and everything OK?”

“Oh, yeah. I think Mel was expelled.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Thank god. That bitch is finally gone. Now everything can go back to normal.” I gave shrug. “Well not as normal. I guess we’ll have Caleb with us now.” I brightened. “We could double date! That would be awesome! I’m expecting a lot of beaches and lying around the beach. My parents have been kind of weird the last couple of weeks, so I think that leaving them to sort out whatever it is… should be alright. I’m so excited!” I pressed my lips to his again, though he didn’t respond.

I pulled away. “Mase what’s wrong?”

He still wore that pained expression. “Sam, there’s something that I have to tell you.”

A bad feeling sunk in the pit of my stomach. “What happened?” I don’t know why, but I whispered it. I was afraid of the answer… afraid of the look on his face that wouldn’t disappear.

“I’m leaving.”

The world around me crashed. “What do you mean? Just for the break? That’s fine. We can just Skype or whatever-”

“No.” The word was a slap. “My dad got this really good job. I’m moving away and I don’t know when I’m coming back.”

I swallowed hard. My throat was tightening by the second. “When are you leaving?” I could hardly hear my own voice.

“Tonight.” Everything around me seemed to swirl into one. Mason caught hold of my arm. “Sam are you OK?” He shook me and grabbed my face in his hands. I stared into his eyes. “I’ll come back for you eventually Sam. After next year, we’ll be finished school and I’ll be back. I’m not going to leave you.” He said it so fiercely.

I pulled away from him and stepped away. “But you are.” Tears started running down my cheeks. “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”

“Because I’m a coward and I couldn’t stand to see the look that’s on your face right now.”

“I can’t believe this.” I whispered.

“There’s something else…” I held my breath and waited for more. “Sam, you don’t believe in long distant relationships. It’s not going to work. I think- I’m ending this.”

I stared at him in disbelief. “Yeah I don’t believe in them but I’d try for you. Mase you’re my best friend. I’ve known you since we were kids-”

“It’s not going to work.” He gripped my hands in his. “Look, if I come back next year then we’ll be back together but I don’t- we should just start our lives without each other… see other people…” His voice trailed off.

“But I love you.” I whispered. It was so heartbroken, so weak… I almost burs ted into tears.

He took a step back. “I know… I’m sorry…” Mason’s hands ripped away from my own. The feeling stung. I stared down at my hands, when I looked back up he was further away.

“You’re meant to say that you’ll always love me.” I muttered. He didn’t say anything but continued walking. I watched as his figure disappeared down the hallway. I stayed there shaking for a while before I finally started moving again. I slammed my locker and walked over my pieces of paper on the floor.

He can’t do this. He can’t do this to me.

My feet were hitting the ground at a run before I even knew it. The sun blinded my eyes before I blinked and everything came to focus.

The car park was basically empty. There were only a few cars there. None was Mason’s.

How can this be happening? Everything was starting to come back together again. I had Alley back in my life and now he’s gone?

I looked up at an approaching figure. My heart leaped then crashed. It wasn’t Mason.

Alley walked towards me, behind her I saw Blake staring at us. He gave me a dazzling smile before turning away. What was that? Alley looped her arm with my own and started pulling me away. “So he did it?” She asked. Alley had the same pained look on her face.

“Y- you knew?” I cried. How could she know before me? Why would he tell her first?

“He just told me. Are you going to be OK?”

What a stupid question. “I don’t think so.” I whispered. “He’s not sure if he’s coming back.”

“I want to say that I hate him but he’s one of our best friends.” Alley sighed. “And I’m going to miss him.”

Memories of us together flashed in my mind… so many sleepovers… going out together… laughing and… “I’m going to miss him too.” I finally said. I looked down and noticed that she was trying to juggle a box of books in her hand, I grabbed it. “You should go to your boyfriend.” I pointed across the yard towards Caleb and Oliver who were heading towards us.

“I’m not going to leave you.” She protested. The look on her face showed as much. She probably thought that she’d be a bad friend.

“You can come over my house tonight we can eat a tub of ice cream and chocolate.” I took a deep breath. Indulging on food actually sounded like the best cure right now. Hello, tight jeans. “I just need to have a few moments to myself. I’ll take this back to mine and I’ll give it to you later.”


I tried to give her a reassuring smile but failed. Tears started to form in my eyes again. “I’m fine.” Such a lie. I felt like a apart of my heart was torn… I felt empty.

“No you’re not.” She sighed.

I pulled away from her hands. “It is….” Words failed me.

“I love you OK?”

I met her brown eyes. They were so close to Mason’s. That’s what he was meant to say. I nodded, “I love you, I’ll see you tonight?”

I didn’t look back and wait for her to respond with another protest. I needed to get out of here.

I placed the box into my mum’s car while still gripping the tissue in my hand.


I looked up at Oliver. “Hey.” I tried to smile and failed again.

I was failing everything. “Are you OK?”

Why are people asking me pointless questions? Do I look OK? I just simply shook my head. He looked glum. “If you need someone to talk to… I’m here.”

I gave a nod of my head and turned towards the door, his hand touched my shoulder briefly before he pulled away. I looked up. “It’s going to get better.”

“I hope so.” I muttered.

Oliver walked away, leaving me to my own tears and a road of recovery for a night… or a couple of months. Who knows?

I snapped back into the present and met Mason’s eyes. “What do you think?” He asked quietly. “Sam?”

“Think about what?” I whispered. 

“Us.” He frowned. Mason’s hand squeezed my own. “Can we be together again? Can I have you back?”



Had to do it, I know how much everyone loves them. 

What do you guys think will happen next? :))) xoxox 

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