Chapter Sixteen- It's Worse On The Other Side

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When I woke up, I was left with what I could only describe as the worst headache of my life. Oh and that feeling of dread.

Tyler Blake had his arms wrapped around me while my head rested on chest. His shallows breaths moved my head every few seconds. The sound was strangely soothing.

I laid there staring at his lamp and remembering what happened last night. Blake had excused himself to tell everyone downstairs to leave. In the meantime I had pulled on a t-shirt he had given me and decided to go to sleep. Though I didn’t sleep.

I cried.

When Blake came in, he hadn’t said a word but turned off the lights and crawled in beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and I had lain there crying.
How pathetic.

I must look so attractive right now. How did he even stand that? What type of guy would do that? Mason would have.

My heart clenched as I pulled away from him. The movement caused him to snap his eyes open. “Sam?” He mumbled drowsily. I quickly rubbed my eyes and came out with black across my hand. Blake gave a soft chuckle, reached out and slid his hand along my cheek. “You look like a panda. Make up is all over your face.”

I scooted away awkwardly and his hand dropped. “I bet you’re not used to this.”
My eyes roamed his room. Trophies stood on the desk. All 2nd places. “A girl in your bed and she’s not naked.”

He smirked and sat up. Oh hot damn. Why was he not wearing a t shirt? “If you want I can stand over there and you can get a proper view?”

I rolled my eyes and hopped out of the bed. “I’m good.”

His eyes roamed around my own body. “Me too.” He smirked. I looked down and realised that I was only wearing that stupid t-shirt.

I tightened my jaw and glared. “Turn around.”

He placed his hands in the air with a large grin and did what I said. I quickly grabbed my dress and took off the t-shirt. “Do you want breakfast?” He asked.

I smiled. “Is this your usual tradition?”

I heard him chuckle as I slid on the dress. “Of course not. If this was tradition you would have been gone before six.”

“Then why aren’t I gone?” My hands fumbled with the fabric of the dress. Dammit why won’t the zip go up? How did I do this last time? Oh yeah that’s right. I did the zip before I slid on the dress. I was about to take the dress off again before hands suddenly touched my bare skin and clutched the material. The zip made a noise as it went up. The hand roamed over my neckline, my hair moved to the side and my neck left exposed. I sucked in a breath. Blake’s voice rumbled close to ear. “Because my parents are usually here by 7. Though there not here.”

My mouth went dry. Too close. Way too close. “Blake-” I whispered. My voice broke. Shit.

I felt him smirk. “What?”

Suddenly his lips brushed along my neck where they started to leave a lingering trail of kisses. I shivered. The touch left a spark and a tingle where he touched. He lips stopped on my cheek. “You should know that I’m not looking for anything more. I don’t want a relationship Stevens.”

It felt like I had been snapped back into reality. I turned around, causing him to take a step back. Stevens sounded so informal. Was he trying to sound casual? Like it meant nothing? It didn’t.

Did it to me? Hell. I don’t know. All I knew was that I enjoyed being around him. “Neither am I.” The words fell easily from my lips. What girl wasn’t looking for a relationship? I took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. “With what happened with Mason… I don’t want anything like that for a long time.”

His eyebrows rose. “You don’t want to go back with that Mason kid?”

I shook my head and smirked. “Not right now.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him towards me.

His smirk matched my own as he quickly pressed his lips to my own. I lost myself there. There was no worry about Mason or Alley or even Caleb.

I didn’t worry about Mason and what he would say.

I didn’t worry what Alley would think of me.

I didn’t worry what Caleb would say about our plan.

I loved this moment. I loved kissing this guy. That was all I knew. That and the way that my heart thumped loudly in my chest.

In these moments I could be lost forever and I wouldn’t care. There were no worries in the world.

Blake gave a small chuckle and leaned away. His lips kissed my ear before he murmured, “I also enjoy kissing you Stevens.”

I smiled. “You said something about breakfast?” I followed Blake downstairs. His hand stayed clutching my own. I loved the feeling. I missed that. Having someone close to you and knowing that everything is going to be OK.

I stopped him mid way down the stairs. I was left a head taller them him. I leaned towards him and placed my hands on his shoulders. “Thank you for last night. Being there for me.”

Next, he did the cutest thing. Blake kissed my nose and grinned. “Anytime Stevens.” His eyes melted into my own. “I’ll always be here for you. Whenever you need me. Now can we stop with the sappy crap and eat? I’m starving.”

My laugh echoed through the house as he heaved me down the stairs.

We rounded the corner and Blake suddenly stopped. A strange women stood in front of us. She was blonde and fairly tall with blue eyes.

You could only assume who she was.

“Mum-” Blake frowned and stopped. His hand pulled away from my own. “What are you doing here?”

Her eyes didn’t leave my own. They were judgemental, as she looked me up and down. I rubbed my empty hand along my arm. “Your father and I took an earlier flight. Who’s your friend?”

I felt like an unwelcome pest in this ladies house and she was about to spray me with bug spray. Blake looked extremely uncomfortable as he gestured towards me. “Mum this is Samantha Stevens. Sam this is Lilly Blake.”

Her eyes pierced my own. “Charmed I’m sure.” It was a line I expected from some stuck up women in a movie.

“Lilly-” A  man stormed into the room and stopped. He quickly assessed the room as I assessed him. Fancy suit and brown thinning hair? Was Blake’s life really a comical but typical movie? “Who’s this Blake?” He snapped. When I looked at Blake, his face had turned a strange white. “Don’t tell me that this is another of your ‘girls’. When are you going to grow up and stop having these childish parties and sex with these low class girls?” Blake didn’t answer. He stood there both angered and afraid. “This needs to stop right now. Start being a man and stop being such a weak little kid.” He left the room as quickly as he came.

I stood shocked as I watched him leave. If I had to live this movie would I survive? Blake’s fist was tightened in a ball. He looked as if he was about to punch something.

His mother was still staring at me. “I think it’s time you left.” She snapped towards me.

I gave a nod with pursed lips and went upstairs to grab my shoes. For once I was actually glad to be going home?

When I came back downstairs, I was greeted by a Lilly’s angry voice. I stopped on the steps and listened. “What do you think you’re doing Blake?” She hissed. “That girl right there is Amanda Steven’s daughter. Do you know who she is? She’s the biggest slut in this town. You don’t need to be hanging around her daughter. Idle gossip will follow and you’ll bring more shame to this family. Is that what you want?” Blake had no time to answer. “That girl’s family is more messed up then anyone in this town. Her future is planned out to the same fate as her mother. She’ll turn into a slut just like her low classed mother. I can’t believe that there still living beside us. She makes this whole neighbourhood look cheap.”

I shook from head to foot as tears fell down my cheeks. I couldn’t breathe. “You don’t know her!” Blake suddenly shouted. “Sam is nothing like that. She’s better than anyone else I know! How dare you talk about her like that!”

Lilly gave a dark chuckle of laughter. “You can have anyone else in this town you want Blake. But I swear to God if I see you with her again… well you wont have anywhere else to go. That girl is cheap and disgusting.”

The words were a hard slap. Tears continued running down my cheeks as I struggled for breath. I could hardly hear his next words. “I hate you.” They were spoken so low. I held my breath. “You are so wound up about your reputation around here that you’ll say anything-” I couldn’t hear anymore.

I ran towards the door. The loud bang behind me could be heard from the neighbours.

A mixture of feelings swam inside of me. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry.

“SAM!” More yelling. My mother stormed into the room. Why did she have to be my mother? Why? “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” When she saw me, she froze. Her voice dropped. “What is it? What happened?”

I started to shake. “Why am I stuck here?” I whispered in a broken voice. “Why am I stuck with this crappy life?”

She stared at me with an astonished expression, then a new storm passed. “You want to leave?” She snapped. “Then leave. Go live your life somewhere else where it’s perfect and nothing bad EVER HAPPENS!”


Her hand came out and struck my face. She slapped me.

I landed on the floor more in shock then the impact. I stared up at her with tears swimming in my eyes.

Her face broke. She knelt towards me and wrapped her arms around me. “I’m sorry.” She wept. “I’m so so sorry… I didn’t mean… Please… forgive me.”

I tightened my arms around her and stared plainly a head. One of my hands stroked her hair. “It’s OK…” My voice shook. “I forgive you…”

Across the room was a quiet crying James. She noticed as well. “I’m sorry baby.” She whispered as she swept him a hug. I wiggled away and turned towards the door.

I need to get out.

“Sam-” I ignored her and opened the door. I ran again. The high heels were still clutched in my hand and my dress kept inching upwards. But I didn’t care. I didn’t care about the looks people gave me. I just ran.

And man… did it feel good.

I let out all my hate and anger and just ran. I ended up at the park and sat down at a bench. The tears had stopped, though I was sure that my face was all red and blotchy.

Why did I always care what I looked like?

“Sam?” I looked up. “What happened?”

I laughed and stared at Mason. “I can’t talk right now Mase. As you might have noticed, I’m a bit of a wreck.” The words rushed out with cold sarcasm. “No body wants to be around me. Not with the reputation that I have around me. My life is so messed up.”

He stared down at me with such warmth that it startled me. “You’re not a wreck and you’re not messed up. I want to be around you.”

Tears brimmed my eyes again.  “Then why do bad things keep happening to me?” My voice broke on the word ‘me’.

He shook his head and sat down beside me. Without any warning he placed a hand around my shoulders and I leant against him. It was comfortable and familiar. “Because bad things happen to everyone.” He paused. “You’re just getting it all at once.”

I gave a chocked laugh. “That sucks.”

“Yeah, it does.” A silence fell between us. “This will fade and things will get better again Sam. They always do.”

My smile fell. “You don’t even know what this is about.”

“I can guess. It’s your mum right?” I didn’t answer. “It sucks.”

Typical Mason. He didn’t know exactly what to say. All I could do was nod. The words spilled from my lips. “Everything turned to crap when you left.”

I felt his arm tense then suddenly he tightened it around me and pulled me closer. “Well… I’m not leaving anymore OK? I’ll be here whether you want me or not. I’m not leaving you again.”

I couldn’t help but give a relieved sigh. Was it so selfish that I wanted him to hold me forever?

But he couldn’t.

The sun slowly set and we parted out separate ways. Mason dropped me home. We hardly talked but had the same comfortable silence between us.

I never felt awkward around him.

“I’ll see you Monday?” He asked me.

I saw a hopeful expression in his eyes and a lot of love on that face. Why can’t I look at him and feel the same way? Mason was good for me. He was comfortable and he always helped me. He was an incredible guy. “Sure.” I gave a tight smile and left his car. I hurried upstairs before my mum would notice that I was back and quietly closed my door.

I was about to take off my clothes and wash off this horrid day when the sound of clicking made me pause.

My heart raced as I opened my window.

Blake sat on his windowsill while throwing Malteres. One hit me in the boob. He smirked at me though it quickly fell.

“You’re wasting food.” I chastised. How could everything be so blissful when I woke up this morning and turn to utter crap?

I copied him and sat across from him. My legs hung out the window. A tree blocked half of his window that sat in the middle of us. Though we were both on the side that we could easily see each other.

“I think that you have an obsession with food.” He told me. “You should fix that before you get fat.” The joke lightened his face.

I smiled back at him. “I’m young. I can eat whatever I want.”

He rolled his eyes and leaned over. He placed the packet on a branch closest to me and I grabbed it. I stared munching on them happily. “Chocolate fixes everything.” I blurted out.

“Sam… About this morning… My mum-”

“Hey.” I said gently. “It’s OK.”

An anger so deep passed over his face that it scared me. “No. It’s not. She shouldn’t have said those things. She had no right-”

I threw a Malteser towards his chest. “Don’t worry about it. People say stuff about her all the time.” I gave a loud sigh. “I wish that there was a system where we could have chosen who our parents were going to be.”

“Yeah, ones who were stable and nonjudgmental.”

“Kept a job.” I added.

“Who weren’t selfish.” He half smiled.

“Who looked after there children properly.”

“Who didn’t always expect the best from them.” That smile fell as a blank look passed over his face.

I pressed my lips together as I watched him. “Why is your dad such an ass?” I asked quietly. “Makes me realise how lucky I am not to have one.”

His eyes flickered towards me as a ghost of a smirk filled his features. “Daddy issues? Shouldn’t that mean that you’re an easy target?”

I shook my head. “No it means I respect myself.” I crossed my arms. Oh hell. He already knows. “My mum brings home guys all the time. Ones who just want one night…. all the wrong type of guys. I’m not stupid to do that.” I swallowed hard. “I think I deserve better than that.”

He was no longer smirking when I looked up at him. Instead his face was blank and serious. “You do.” He cleared his throat. “You deserve better… I should go.”

I stared at him with a confused look. “What? Why?”

“It would just be better…” His voice carried off though before he closed the window. I heard the words, “For you.”

I stared at the closed curtains with a blank look. I stayed where I was and started eating the Malterses again. Though I couldn’t quite stop looking at the window. Through the light I could see a figure standing beside the window frozen.

I couldn’t quite decide who had a worse life. 

Possibly his.


I'll just let that all sink in. 
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