• TEN •

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My eyes shut too tight, I blindly claw at the hands on my throat, desperately trying to get them away from suffocating me to death.

"Hey, hey!" someone says, the voice sounding vaguely familiar yet so far away that it's like the whisper of the wind.

I resist the forces threatening to pull me apart as much as I can but I can tell it's not going to be long. My energy's gushing away from the mountain that is me and the valley that is these unknown but quite strong forces.

"LINCK!" the voice yells and the forces loosen up enough for me to fight back more and almost push them off. Almost being the key word. I don't have the slightest idea what I'm fighting against right now but all that's commanding me is this innate feeling in me that's on red alert.

The forces retreat enough for me to open my eyes and gasp again. The room suddenly seems so filled with light that I almost go blind. My eyes quickly adjust and I look ahead where all the guys are standing. All of them have horror-stricken faces that, from their expressions, clearly have no idea what they're viewing but are afraid for their lives now. Many are backing away, ready to make a run for it.

"Linck, stop it!" the voice yells again and I recognize it to be 'Alex''s. My hands are now choking my own self, and I have absolutely no power to stop them. The forces have all concentrated in my hands. I frantically jump up and down in the hopes of distracting the forces but my hands are stuck there and are tightening by the second.

I try my best to redirect all the energy I have towards my hands. There's this voice in my head that directs me on how to do it and it's surprisingly easy, so easy, that a maniacal laugh sounds in my head.

'Focus.' the voice rebukes me and I go back to obeying it.

Dropping to the ground, I now focus the energy saved from not standing on my feet to my hands in a powerful gush that knocks the forces away and my hands instantly drop while my throat struggles to let air in. After a couple more ragged breaths, I force myself to breathe normally and succeed in five breaths.

Even though I relax, my body's still alert and prepared to shove away anything else that comes. When nothing comes after a long time, I slowly get up from the floor and look around. The only ones in the room are 'Alex' and another guy whose name tag identifies him as Remi. When I walk towards them, Remi's eyes widen and he runs away.

I instantly look around but there's nothing now. What was he scared of?

"It's you," 'Alex' says.

I look at him, confused. His brown eyes are now shining with what seems like amusement and wonder, a colossal smile etched on to his boyish pecan brown face. What is happening here?

"I'll tell you." he says, his grin widening when my eyes widen. Can he read my thoughts?

"No, you're actually saying that out loud."

I realize he's right. My mouth has been moving all this time, even though I didn't try to make it. I take extra effort to keep my mouth clamped shut now.

"Relax, Linck." he says, his voice smooth like the feel of a silk garment.

There's something about this voice that he uses instantly puts me on edge. Everything's as clear as water gushing over rocks now, making me feel like I was heavily impaired all this time. Where was this clarity before? Everything's as sharp as if all my sense organs were just replaced with brand new ones that are exponentially more perceptive.

"Yes, that's right. Like switching over to 1080p after 180p, huh?" 'Alex' says, seeming even happier now.

"Okay, stop calling me 'Alex', Tasha. I'm Valor."

"You just said you couldn't read my mind, Valor!"

"I can't, Tasha, but you're broadcasting it! And don't mock my name, okay? I love it!"

"Geez, okay, keep your name and smother it all you want, but I want answers, and I want them now," I snap, laying heavy emphasis on the 'now'.

"Tasha, you are much more powerful than you think. And now you get to harness all your power."

I raise my eyebrow.

"To destroy those who are about to destroy us."

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Hey, and there's the next chapter!

*ducks down to avoid getting hit by the tomatoes and ink that are being thrown*

I'm so sorry for the gap between this and the previous chapter! I ended it just the way I wanted but I couldn't figure out how to continue it!

Theories are quite welcome here because they may shape up the upcoming parts of the story!

Thank you so much for reading!

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