Read before you proceed...

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To start off, thank you for reading this book.

I don't usually write horror; in fact, this is my first horror story, so don't expect too much polish...

Also, when I thought up this story, I was much more childish than I am (even though I still act like a two-year old at times now), so it might be a little childish or whatever.

But I am changing up the story a bit, so it might not be that, either...

I haven't stolen this story from anywhere, so I suggest you don't steal this either.

Any resemblance to actual people living or dead is purely coincidental.

All places and characters mentioned are fictitious (unless mentioned otherwise).

Oh, and be warned- this very possibly isn't like your conventional horror story.

If you notice any errors, feel free to point them out in the comments (or by PM, whichever you want although it is easier to correct errors if you comment them).

Now, go ahead and read the story...

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