Ch. 7

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*many weeks later*

*lily pov*

I was meditating the morning after the party the boys had last night. They had defeated the kraang. I was not there because splinter wanted me to train more before I went topside again. Leala had gone out with the boys many times and had taken to spending more time with them instead of me. I was secretly happy when April started training. "Lily, may I speak with you?" I heard splinter ask. "Of course sensi." I said turning towards him. "I have been watching you train and you have progressed very well. You can hold your own in a fight now. I believe it is time you go topside. You may go with my sons and your sister tonight." Splinter said. "Yay! Thank you sensi!" I said hugging him before taking off to tell my sister the news.

I finally found her playing a video game with Mikey. "Sis sis sis sis sis!" I called running up to her. "What now?" Leala said pausing the game. "Splinter said I can go topside tonight!" I said excitedly. "Nice lily. Now if you will your sister and I was playing something." Mikey said. I sighed and wandered away. I walked into Donnie's lab and observed him for a bit. Then I went back out to the living room and sat. I pulled out a book and started reading. "Turtle dodge ball!" Mikey said throwing the kraang orb at Raphael. I managed to duck as the ball flew over me. "What are you guys doing?" Donnie shouted holding the orb. "Reading." I said holding my book in the air. "Dodge ball." The others said. "With the orb!" Donnie shouted. The orb then lit up. We all raced to see what was going on. It turned out that they were delivering mutagen to the city.

Donnie managed to get april to track the ship. When we went to defeat the ship we found a huge fuzzy creature. Donnie wacked it and the butt fell off. Then cannons come out. "IT HAS BUTT CANNONS!" Donnie exclaimed. I fought diligently holding my own. Mikey had knocked the mutagen canasters free and the door on the bottom. I managed to grab a canaster before it fell. Leo managed to defeat the creature and Donnie was controlling the ship. Donnie crashed the ship and we fell near where April and her father were. We watched as April was carried away by a huge bat thingy. I looked down and saw a mutagen canister. "I think the bat is mr. O'neil." I said pointing to the broken canister. We then went back to the lair to plan.

•authors note•

Hi! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Lots of homework for me. But that's the repercussion for taking honors classes and one ap class. Oh well! I'll try to update as soon as I can. Vote and comment if you wish I enjoy feed back!

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