Darling Paranoia- A Jonathan Crane Fan Fiction Sequel

Start from the beginning

"Yes… Things got a little out of hand," Shannon whispered sadly, looking down to her hands crossed in her lap. Dr. Fries gave her a sympathetic smile and patted her hand.

"You will find him," he promised her, "As a husband, I know he will never give up on you until they bring your body back. When he finds out your alive, he will come for you… Until then, though, if you want to stay hidden, you may want to take a tip from the Scarecrow.. A mask may help."

"Alright…" Shannon agreed, biting her lip and holding back tears, "Dr. Fries, if you see him, will you-"

"I will spread the word you are alive and in Gotham," Dr. Fries assured her, "It will get to him eventually."

"Thank you," Shannon whispered as she watched Dr. Fries lift her leg and move the brace.

"Now, enough chit chat… This may hurt.." Dr. Fries sighed, pulling her forward by her ankle so more of her leg was off the bed, enough so the brace would fit from mid-calf to mid-thigh. Shannon squirmed nervously as she saw the line of needles glint. "This may hurt a lot."


Jonathan glared out the window as they drove the dark street. He and Edward had guessed the location of the  next killings. They had been horribly wrong as it occurred on total opposite side of Blüdhaven…

"Stop pouting, Jonathan," Edward scolded, "It won't help anything…"

"This was a disaster, Edward!" Jonathan spat, "We are running out of time to get to Zsasz!"

"Jonathan, there is no guarantee we will get to him in time," Edward huffed, "And if we don't, I'll find a way to get us into whatever prison they are holding him in." That seemed to perk Jonathan up a little.

"Alright.." he grumbled, "But, we need to start watching some larger neighborhoods… He's done this cycle twice before- where he does minor jobs then a massacre. One when we were in fifth grade and another with… with Shannon." Edward glanced over to his friend as he said the name of his deceased wife. He hadn't said her name in all the months since she had died…

"Yeah, okay," he agreed, still a little shocked by this large step taken by Jonathan out of the pits of despair, "We'll start looking tomorrow." Jonathan nodded, then looked back out the window. He knew what Edward was thinking. He thought Jonathan was on the way to acceptance, but it was the exact opposite.

He had voiced it once before that he had thoughts she may still be alive, and those suspicions were larger than ever as it had been rumored the Batman was back in a job. No one had really seen him, but criminal activity was easing down. Also, there had been many pleas air on the television- from an anonymous asker- for him to turn himself in, giving locations that were secretly coded according to Edward. The asker kept insisting that Jonathan was needed in Gotham and he would not be arrested, which was incredibly suspicious. It had to be a trap… Unless someone had enough influence to get it aired. Jonathan wasn't  sure which.

Either way, he just felt like she was out there somewhere. He had taken a blow with her 'death', but he just felt that if she had died, he would've felt something bigger. If she had  really died, he would have gassed the entire city and himself as revenge right then- he had had the equipment right in the Arkham Asylum lab to do it all and Mr. Arkham would have kept him hidden… He hadn't, though. Instead he was after people who had directly hurt her, most of which could hurt her again if they were alive.

"Jonathan?" Edward asked from the driver's seat.

"What, Edward?" Jonathan muttered, already knowing what he was bound to say.

"I'm glad you are finally accepting this," Edward sighed, "I know it is really hard… but, I think she would want you to go on with your life." Jonathan didn't respond. He knew Edward would shoot his thoughts down, and discourage him from looking for her after all this was over.

For now, it was best to keep his suspicions to himself.


WOO! Sequel up! Okay, opinions everyone?! I NEED TO KNOW! Anywho, I do hope you all enjoy this :3 I hope to get more chapters up and running soon >.<

Jonathan: What are you rambling on about?!

Me: Um... No one...

Edward: *sighs* Jonathan, is this really necessary? Half the time she is only staring into space like she is somewhere else completely!

Me: *mumbles* That's because I am...

Jonathan: What was that?!

Me: Nothing... nothing...

Edward: *facepalm* Oh God, I'm surrounded by lunatics...

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