"I hope you two dont mind but i invited two other people to join us"

We looked at at him. Who could have he invited?? We heard the door close and two pairs of footsteps heading towards us. Liz and Patty emerged from the entrance and headed towards the table.

Kid immediatly grabbed my hand unsure of what to do. Liz and Patty came and sat opposite us at the table.

"Hey Kid, Soul" Liz looked at Kid. "How are you?"

Kid looked at the floor, his grip tightened on my hand.

"Father you said it would just be us" he said quietly.

"I know but you guys not talking is getting ridiculous, your meant to be partners!"

"Well maybe Kid should trust us more and tell us what has happened!" Liz exclaimed.

"Well maybe you should have given Kid time and support as partners instead of completely ignoring him!" I said.

How dare they try to blame Kid for this!!

"Well maybe he needs to grow up and talk for himself, he is not a baby and certainly doesnt need someone babying him!" Liz yelled.

"I do not baby Kid, i am protecting him you dont know or understand what he's been through, any one would be scared if it happened to them!!" Raising my voice.

"We dont understand because we dont know what has happened!" Patty said.

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you left Kid alone!"

"We never left him al-"

"Yes you did, i am right here so you could use my name!! All you have ever done has left me alone, you left me alone at home, you completely ignored me at school, and you only realised something was wrong because the others noticed first, if they didnt realise then you never would have!!" Kid screamed at them, tears flowing  down his cheeks. He had stood up and was glaring at the two sisters.

Kid was fuming, and wasnt about to stop his rant.

"You want to know what happened!! Fine, i was beaten, bullied, poisoned and raped, and you expect me to just out and say it to everyone, ' oh hey everyone just to let you know i have just benn raped by THREE people!!'
i had been left out enough as it is and you think i should have just told you!! I didnt even have the chance!"

He took a shakey breathe.

"While i was raped, they constantly told me how worthless and unloved i was! I believed them, because i had nothing to prove them wrong! I went home and locked myself in my room for 2 weekes with no one there with me. Do you know what being alone for that long does to someone? It drives them insane, i stopped eating and the little voices inside my head wouldnt stop shouting at me, yelling at me about how worthless i was, how pathetic i was and how i should just die to make the world a better place!!"

Kid was shaking, still crying. I stood next to him and held him close. He relaxed slightly but continued.

" ive already attempted suicide and i have been cutting since the whole thing began so dont tell that i need to just 'grow up' because i dont need some stupid advice from you two!"

The room fell silent apart from Kid sobbing into my chest. He had held all his feelings inside, he was bound to explode at some point. I stroked his back and looked at the two sisters and Lord Death. Lord Death didnt know about the starving and cutting either and looked at Kid helplessly tears falling from beneath his mask.

Liz and Patty were speechless. Both about cry and looked extremely guilty.

"Kid w-"

"Save it," Kid snapped "Soul can we go?" He asked quieter, he looked really tired.

I nodded and we stepped away from the table.

"Kid wait I-" Liz grabbed his wrist. Kid winced and tried to pull away.

"L-let me go"

"Not until you hear us out!" Liz said.

"Leave me alone!"

Kids Pov

The grip on my wrist grew tighter as Liz desparatly tried to get me to stay.

"Your hurting me, let me go!"

"Please let us talk-"

"Kid said to leave it" Soul stepped in.

"No, we just want-"

"What about what Kid wants?" Soul asked. "Why dont you consider that for once"

Soul pulled Liz's hand off my wrist and we left the DWMA.

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