chapter three.

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Matt leads the way to his house. This is it, the day you meet the one who makes your heart smile. On the way over, Jojo asks for a moment with you, and Matt happily leaves y'all to talk.

"Y/n are you crazy?! This guy could be a psycho!" She whispers. You just laugh it off, knowing he is all but just that.

"Jojo. I know him. You know Markiplier? The guy I watch 24/7? This dude is his house mate! The Mark he mentioned earlier is Mrakiplier!" Relief washed over Jojo as you tell her this and you two carry on y'alls way to the door where Matt was still waiting.

"Everything alright?" He asks. You smile and nod, but before he can open the door you feel the need to tell him about your fan girl life and you do...well, not everything. Okay just the fact that you're actually a really big fan of him, Mark and Ryan. You worry that him knowing this would make him change his mind but you were way wrong, it actually made y'all closer.

"Mark, Ryan I have new friends!" He yells as he walks in. Ryan walks in first, telling Matt that he was getting worried because he was out so long. Ryan began introducing himself to you and Jojo but was interrupted by a scream followed by a string of curses.

Jojo just looked around while Matt and Ryan looked a bit embarrassed. You on the other hand couldn't help but laugh. "Fuck this shit god dammit!" You heard, it was followed by a brief pause and then the infamous outro, "thank you guys for watching, and as always I will see you in the next video! Bye bye!" You heard a door open and your smile began to grow.

"Yeah so anyways, Ryan. This is Jojo and y/n. Y/n is gonna be moving in next door sometime next month." You and Jojo shake Ryan's hand and began to talk when a rather frustrated Mark walks in.

You immediately begin to become all flustered and Matt and Jojo definitely noticed. Matt chuckled and motioned for Mark to join y'all. "Mark, this is Jojo and y/n, y/n is moving in next door next month... and may I mention she's quite the fan," you turn even more red if that's even possible.

"Nice to meet you guys, sorry y'all heard all that..just another rage game," he apologizes. He turns directly to you and smiles. "So you're a fan? How long?" You felt a little embarrassed but answered truthfully. "Since forever really. Life's been tough and I needed an escape that wouldn't necessarily harm me," You shrugged.

"Me and Ryan are gonna show Jojo some stuff, bye!" Matt said as he pushed the other two out the door. You stand there awkwardly until Mark breaks the ice.

"Are y'all sisters or..?"

"No, she's my best friend. She's an angel really she's the one that got me the house in the first place."

We sat there a little longer in a comfortable silence until he broke the silence again.

"What did you mean by life's been tough?"

NEIGHBORS. (markiplier x reader) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα