chapter one.

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*present time*

You drug your feet as you made your way back to your small apartment in LA. You and Nathan still lived together after all those years but you could tell that his love was starting to fade. That's what you feared the most.

You had a long day at work and wanted nothing more than to fall into Nathan's arms. You looked at the time on your phone, 7:45. You were late. Again. He's gonna be mad.

Bracing yourself for another fight, you walk in the front door... Nathan waiting on the couch. He meets you half way only centimeters from your face and the yelling begins. Horrible names and curses fly your way, the only thing you were able to say was sorry. But it wasn't enough for him.

"Out," he finally said.

"Wh-what?" You stuttered. This cannot be happening.

"Out!" He screamed this time. He gave you an hour to get your stuff before making you give back the apartment key and locking the door as you made your way out.

You called your one friend who was more than happy to have you stay over, Jojo. An angle in disguise as you often referred to her as.

She welcomed you with open arms and told you that you could stay as long as you needed but you hated being a burden and wanted out asap.

Tomorrow wasn't a working day for either of you so you two decided to talk.

"y/n I'm so sorry. Really do you need anything else?" She asked placing a light hand on your shoulder.

"A new place to stay that's very inexpensive." You sigh.

You see her face brighten up. "What, Jojo?" You ask.

"There's a place down the road y/n! My cousin is the land lord I'm sure we could work a deal! We'll totally talk to him on Monday!"

I almost snorted from laughing so hard. Jojo lives in a very expensive suburb, no telling how much she pays!

"Hey," Jojo looked at me seriously, "I promise that house will be yours, I'll make sure of it and so will Alex."

As if on cue, Jojo's husband, Alex, walks in the front door.

"Hey y/n! Where's Nate?" Jojo shoots him daggers and he just solemnly walks away. "It's okay Alex" you sigh. He then makes his way over to hug you which is honestly what you needed more than anything.

He returns to their bedroom leaving you and Jojo to talk the night away. You two fall asleep on the couch but not before Jojo promises to make that house down the road yours.

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