chapter two.

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Every night you seemed to find yourself in the same place. Though you were now 25 years old, you couldn't help but to keep revisiting your past of YouTubers. The one thing that made you happier than what you had ever been with Nathan. Even now you still dream of becoming one, but that of course, could never happen. Not now anyways.

Unfortunately, Jojo's cousin is out of town and you have to wait for him to get one month. Oh joy. But, he did give Jojo permission to give you a tour of the place tomorrow- or later today you should say. It's currently 1:30 AM and you're going through all your favorite YouTubers, stopping at your absolute favorite. Markiplier. You had been watching him since the very beginning. Every aspect of his videos seemed to make you smile. Your friends at the time made fun of you for being 21 and watching some idiot on YouTube...but you didn't care. Jojo knew about your fan girl life and just seemed to tell you to do whatever makes you happy every time she caught you.

You re-watched all your favorites before deciding to call it a night...or morning. Whatever. It was 4 AM, your alarm was going off in 4 hours. Oh the wonderful life of fan girls.

You woke up only to turn the alarm off and roll back over, but not before Jojo jumped on top of you. She was more excited than you were.

After arguing with her she finally got off of you to let you get ready for the day.

The house was so close that y'all decided to walk. It was a nice day anyways.

She stopped in front of a nice little house. Not too big nor too small. It was picture perfect. The neighborhood looked oddly familiar now that you thought of it. Like you've seen it before, but it could also be the fact that everything looked similar here. You heard a door close and looked to your left to see a tall, lanky, blonde haired boy leaving the house next to what could soon be yours. You've seen him before but couldn't look harder because he'd be sure to catch you.

"Hey, y'all moving in?" He asked. Yep. Just as you suspected.

"No I'm not, but she is," Jojo said pointing a thumb a you.

"Cool, I'm Matt. I live next door with my housemates," he said looking back to his house. You can't help but smile like an idiot.

"Nice, I'm y/n. I should be moving in in a month or so, I have to wait for the land lord to come back from vacation." You say.

Matt nods and starts talking to Jojo after she mentions that the landlord of this block is her cousin and you start to walk around the outside of the house.

You walk into the back yard after struggling with the fence and sit down at a picnic table that was left by the previous owners.

You had to calm yourself down knowing that your new neighbor was him.

"Y/n! Are you ready for the house tour?" Jojo asked from the front. "Yeah, hold on let me get back to you," you say getting up. When you get back to Jojo you see Matt is still with her.

"I hope you don't mind me joining you two," he says. You happily oblige to letting him join y'all.

"So, y/n, where are you from?" Matt asks.

A wave of anxiety comes over you. You hated that question for obvious reasons.

"Louisiana, it's a long story how I got here to LA so we'll save that for another time," you say cooly. "Hey, it's all good! We just met anyways," he replies.

For some reason the tour lasted way too long and y'all ended about 12.

"Hey, you guys wanna come over for lunch? I'm sure I or Mark or Ryan can make something." You look at Jojo who still has no clue who this guy is and answer for the both of you. 


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