Sorrow to Forget

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Three days. Five hours. Fifteen seconds. Fifty-four miliseconds.

That was how long I stared out into the emptiness of my soul, my eyes focused on the window. The scenery never changed, but the day humans slowly drifted into peaceful death slowly crept.

It was sad that I would never have that peace. I would forever be living, watching sceneries and people until Heavenly fire strikes me, or be reincarnated in a different shell. I'd probably forget the pain of losing Fiel during that time, which sounded even more discomfitting than anything else.

A knock interrupted my musings. I was greeted by none other than the sandy blonde PI. She was dressed quite casually in Uriel's long sleeved sweats and some boxer shorts. Her hair was messily bunched, and her eyes looked tired.

"Mizuki?" She asked softly.

"Jibrel," I croaked. Clearing my throat, I said again, "Jibrel showed me how," I shuddered, continuing, "how he died."

Carrie nodded in understanding.

"He was a good man despite his namesake and his deeds."

My eyes darted quickly to her.

"Uriel told me everything...Anariel," was her reply.

I didn't answer anymore, caught up in the new profound knowledge that a human knew of our secret.

Uriel would never tell, but, he might be feeling something deep for Carrie to risk this much. The way he held her a few days ago was proof enough.

"Michael told me to tell you to get out of the house and grab some fresh air, saying that he won't take no for an answer," was Carrie's last sentence before leaving me to look astounded.


The burnt remains of St. Raphael's Orphanage stared at me. After all these years, no one bothered cleaning up the residue of the fire. The building, despite its charred and deteriorating existence, looked as if someone could still inhabit the building. Well, that is, until you hear the ghost stories that lay about the orphanage. As the sole survivor, I believed in the hauntings, knowing how it was practically my fault. If I wasn't there, Sariel and his demons wouldn't have burnt down the building to look for me.

Something cold pressed against my cheek. I jumped, squeaking, only to find Mr. British looking at me.

"You could use some," he said.

I looked at the can of cold tea and took it.

"I'm sorry for your loss," he said.

I turned to look at him, surprised.

He chuckled sadly, looking at me. "I know the look of someone who lost someone dear to their life." He turned his gaze to the crumbling building, adding softly, as if I was not meant to hear it, "I would know. I look at him every damn morning in the mirror."

I was not too proud to ask. "Did you lose someone dear to you, too?"

He nodded solemnly.

"Who?" I whispered out.

He gritted his teeth. "My father. Three days ago, to be exact."

"I'm sorry," I gasped, understanding the freshness of his wounds.

He shook his head, drinking from his can of soda. "We were never close. He never knew of my existence, my mother hiding me from him. When he recognized me, he was afraid to take me in. He didn't want me to be like him, was his blatant excuse, but, I knew he was afraid to love me. Still, I served him like a son would.

"Still do," he looked at me.

There was something about his expression that made my heart skip a beat. There was something akin to fierce protectiveness, mingling with another emotion.

"Come with me," was his enchanting whisper. The words were simple, yet, his deep accent was enough to send me into a haze of wanton.

I was so entranced by him that he suddenly felt familiar. The way he was mesmerizing me, and the way his eyes became hooded...

He and I entered the building, my hand in his. Somewhere along the way, the can of cold tea dropped along the road, remaining unopened.

The cemented walls were still strongly erect, their once white painted turned charcoal. The old paintings and records were no longer standing, but, the bars that stood with the windows remained with shattered glasses.

The orphanage was once so beautiful, but now...

Adrean suddenly thrusted me against the wall, his lips upon mine hungrily. His arms grasped around my thin frame, his eyes closed. Surprised, I struggled, unsure of what was happening.

"Adrean," I breathed.

He pulled away, his deep accent rough. "Make me forget...just for today." He continued his slaughtering of my mouth.

I was unsure how to react. To be truthful, Mike never allowed me to date, though, Fiel and Raph tried exposing me through movies.

Just go with the flow, I heard a voice caressing my mind.

Following my instincts, I pulled him closer to me. He groaned in pure bliss, pressing himself harder against me.

I felt something deep within me, something hot. It was something I needed to be quelled, a heat that didn't want to go away. It came along with something hard in Adrean's pants as he humped me against the wall.

I let out a mewl, not knowing what I want.

Adrean leaned his mouth against my neck, caressing it with his soft kisses.

"Let it go, Anariel," he whispered.

"What?" I gasped.

And then I felt it.

No words could describe he feeling. There was something inside of me that exploded, followed by my cry of pleasure. Even Adrean's growl was filled with such wanton that my mind couldn't register the pure pleasure I was feeling.

When I came down from my high, I turned to gaze at Adrean, whose arms we're still wrapped around me.

"What was that?" I asked.

Adrean smiled at me. "That was what we call orgasm, my sweet. You have just experienced it yourself." He drew a hand to my pants, and I flushed as he rubbed his hand against me.

"I could feel your wetness, my dear," he smiled. "I'm loving it."


Adrean watched the retrieving body of Anariel.

After their little tryste, she went shy, making excuses as to why she had to go. He kept her no longer, knowing that she needed as much space as he did.

When she was completely gone, he mumbled to himself, "Veil of Eden will open the Gates of Hell if the guardian sins the mortal sins: Pride, Wrath, Lust, Envy, Greed, Gluttony and Sloth.

"Three down, four more to go."

I'm sorry, Anariel. I need this for my end game. I wouldn't have done this if it weren't for that.

But why was his heart aching at the thought of using her for himself?

He shook his head, scolding himself angrily.

I cannot fall for her. She is just a means to an end. She's a pawn. Love will only bring me down further. I need to get my head in the game.

Shadows from the ground formed around him. With a last loom at the point where Anariel vanished, the shadows twisted around him, forming a small done as it engulfed him, vanishing him from sight.

To be continued...

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