Uriel and His Shinanigans

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The sound of the keyboard typing was enough for me to not pay attention until Uriel eyed me, making me hide my outdated phone, regretfully itching to play Snake again.

"His name was Denaldi Frost," Jibrel explained. "He was a student at one of the local public schools. Newly turned, was a quarterback and aced his subjects even before being turned and was a star mathematics major and also subbed for some of the teachers during his free time."

I hated him there and then.

"Wow," I rolled my eyes. "I hate him already."

"It's okay, kiddo," Fiel patted my head mockingly. "Not evryone sucks at math the way you do."

"Puweh," I wrinkled my nose.

Who the hell would like math?

"Apparently," Jibrel continued, clearing his throat, "his Sire was a possessive person who preyed on the young."

Fiel and I looked at each other before saying, "Ewe, pedo~"

"Will you two take this seriously?" Mike growled, making Fiel and I shut up instantly.

"Should we investigate further?" Mike asked on.

Jibrel nodded. "I've got a list of his contacts and his therapist. Plus, Frost usually went to a museum to help out. Oh," his eyes zeroed in on the screen, "Carrie Almeswith is also tasked to go there, too."

"Did you just hack...?" I bit my buttom lip.

"It's not illegal when they gave me all of their encrypted files through an agreement that I don't abuse it," Jibrel reasoned.

"Looks like he's gone loco, chica," Fiel smirked.

"And I know what we're going to do," Mike smirked at Uriel.

Uriel didn't hesitate in saying, "No."

Fiel added mischievously, "Hot detective-wanna-be will be there. You gotta admit that she has one fine -"

"Lucifer!!!" Jibrel and Mike said together.

"Butt, I was going to say butt," he sighed.

Uriel didn't say anything but kept an annoyed expression.

"Look on the bright side," Raph patted his shoulder. "At least she's not as clingy as Kali."

Uriel paled instantly as he exclaimed, "DO NOT. JUST. NO. NEVER AGAIN."

Jibrel looked amused; Mike and Fiel laughed while Raph chortled a lot. Turning to Uriel, I asked, "Um... I know this is one sensitive topic, but, who is Kali?"

"Hindu goddess of death," Mike explained.

"She was one clingy, I'm going to say brat," Fiel insisted quickly at the looks Jibrel and Mike were giving him.

"Uriel actually dated?" I asked.

Uriel groaned. Getting up from his chair, he spat, "Fine. As long as Nari goes with me."

Nari was my nickname from him.

I quickly stood up, following the angry Uriel out of the office. Together, we walked in silence. He only spoke when he needed, such as, "Don't cross the street with green light," and, "Walk on the zebra lane and hold onto my shirt so you won't get lost."

So Bri'ish. Zebra lane.

I did as I was told.

I barely interacted with Uriel. He scared me a lot. He always had this expression that spoke of regrets whenever he looked at me. He barely even spoke. Whenever he did, his voice goes impersonal, cold and distant. Honestly, him telling me to get out with him made me skittish.

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