8 0 2

(The things in in parentheses are not really in the notes!!!!)

I walked out into the woods. Back to the reservation. I had to get my clothes. I walked into Paul's house and got my clothes. I had clothes at all of there houses but most of them were at Paul's. I got my clothes and wrote a note to Paul. It said ..........

"Dear Paul,

I am sorry I have to leave. I want you to know not to give up. I love you. Your like a brother that I never had. I hope we can still be best friends cause I have to hang with Vamps. Thanks to Sam. I know all of the guys are probably reading this but I will write them a note too. So tell them to stop reading here.
(At first it will look like a bunch of jibber jabber. But I will put the real words on later.)

Fista nicka dee gicka missa forka figh coohls fuutyy mogd yead.
( We can meet at the Forks High School in 5 days. )

Love ya,

Next note:

Dear Embrey,
" We didn't get along very well but I want you to know that I used to think that you were an ass. But that's because I liked you. But now I don't. You don't care bout me so that's all!


Next note:

Dear Sam,
We never get along. I don't like you but you were a good alpha. But I swear if you hurt another one of my pack I will kill you!


Next note:

Dear Jake,
You were a good guy but now I still love you. I always will but I can't date you cause I found my imprint. I am sorry. You will always be cool.

Sorry Jakey,
Alex!! "

New note:

"To everyone else, I love you all and I have to leave. I am hanging out with "bloodsuckers" as you say. Sorry guys but I will always miss you. Love ya"

End of all notes!!!!!!

I walked out the door with my clothes and got away from the reservation. I got to the Culuns house and put my clothes Ina random empty room. I felt the guys in the pack I felt their pain. It hurt me too. I loved them all in their own way. I started to hurt a lot more than I should. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. I was dying. Then Carlisle, Emmett, and Edward came running in. I looked at them with pleading eyes. Emmett immediately picked me up and ran me to the reservation. The wolves all ran and growled at us.

"Help her please she cant breathe and can't move!" Said Edward very worried.
"Help me." I crocked.
"We can't help her. We don't know what's going on!" Sam screamed.
"What do you mean?" Asked Emmett.
"We mean what we said!" Paul said.

I still couldn't breathe or move.

"I think we may have to do 'it' to her." Edward said calmly.
"No! No no no no!" Screamed Embrey.
"Your not turning her into a vampire!" He screamed.
"It's the only way!" Edward screamed.
"Just help her please!" Paul said.

I felt a pain in my neck and then everything turned black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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