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8 years earlier (Alex is 9 as well as everyone else except the Vampires)

Mom and Dad just got divorced and Bella has to leave with mom.

"Bella I love you by sis!" I said.
"Bye sis I will miss you too." She said crying and left.

I ran. Ran into the woods. I crossed the creek. And was on a land I don't know who's it was. I stopped running and walked. I found a clearing and saw a house. With many windows. It stunk. It was night now.

"What is that smell it smells like a Werewolf?" Said a tall person.
"It's probably nothing Edward." Said a blonde.
"No come on help me find it!" He said.
"No do it yourself!' she said.
"Fine" he said.
He was walking closer and closer. I ran but I was fast it was a full moon. A sharp pain came over my whole body. I screamed. Edward found me. He picked me up I was screaming in pain.

"What is that smell?" The blonde girl said.
"It's a Werewolf she is going through her first phase." Edward said.

I screamed in pain again. A person named Carlisle came in and took me out of Edwards arms.

"Why are you people so cold?" I screamed.
"Because we just are." Emmett said.
"She doesn't know what we are." Rose Whispers.
"Do you know what's happening to you?" Ask Carlisle.
"No!" I screamed.
"We are going to call some people that can help you OK." He said.
"Yeah whatever!" I screamed.

It was about 30 minutes later. Jacob and his family came in. I was still screaming.

"She is early!" Jacob's Dad said.
"What the fuck is happening to me?" I screamed.
"Your a Werewolf and your going through your first phase." Jacobs dad said.
"What the fuck!" I screamed.
"Why does it stink in here!" I said.
"Vampires!" He said.
"What your lying" I said in pain.
"No just 5 more minutes of pain." He said.
"OK what ever. But Vampires don't exists" I said still in pain.

5 minutes past by and I turned into a Werewolf. I growled. The Vampires coward back. 'weak' I thought.

"We are not weak" said Edward angry.
"Yes you are I am 9 and your like what 17!" I thought growling.
"Your a b*tch" he said.
"I'm not a bitch I am The Bitch!" I thought.

The older guys laughed and I was a lil bit confused why but got over it. I phased back into human form and got clothes on.

"Leave Now you mutts!" Screamed Emmett.
"Fuck you Emmett!" I screamed.

He growled at me. I did the same to him. Billy and Jacob held me back. I was struggling against their grip. Edward and Carlisle held back Emmett and he was struggling against their grip.

"We will be leaving Carlisle thank you." Billy said.
"Your welcome." Carlisle said.
"NOW LEAVE YOU MUTTS!" screamed Emmett.
"SAME GOES FOR YOU" Emmett screamed.

That was chapter one hope you liked it!!!!

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