Its been 5 months and a lot has happened actually. It Me and Logan got close and I found out that he liked me. Thalia, me, and Marina were almost like sisters. We told each other everything and could actually trust each other with anything. I forgot how it felt to make new friends and spend time with them to get to know them. When I met the boys, I forgot about all my old friends, sad to say. It was okay though, they all moved to some other country and they never kept in touch with me. I spent most of the time with the boys that I didnt bother to make new ones because i thought that they would always be there. I thought wrong. I never talk to them. Just the occasional hi when Luke and Marina skype. 

"Hi my names Kristen and I was your flight stewardess for the flight. We have now landed in London and you may now leave the aircraft." I swear the lady was crazy. She had a really high voice and her cheeks were too circular and bright red like she was a scary version of goldilocks trying to kill you. We grabbed our carry-ons and went to the terminal that Luke told us to wait at. The 5SOS van pulled up in front of us and Luke ran out and basically tackled Marina in a hug. My phone started ringing... I look at the caller ID and it was Logan calling. Before answering, I stepped aside and started walking around in circles.

"Hey Allison! How was the flight?"

"I'm tired and i felt like pulling this flight stewardess' hair off."

"Haha I swear you have been more.... brutal? Since i met you."

"Not nice. But I have to go. The van is here to pick us up."

"Okay miss you."

"Miss you too Logan." I ended the call and when I turned around to head back to the van, Calum was right behind me. I almost bumped into him. 

"Errr... Need something?" I ask him. I wasn't trying to be mean or sound rude. 

"Nope, just looking for you."

"Why were you looking for me?" I think my eyebrows curved when I said that.

"Cuz umm.. Were about to leave?" He said it more as a question. He took my luggage and I followed him out to the van. I got in the back to see Luke and Marina already settled in. Marina was asleep on Luke's shoulder. I smiled at them. Calum was putting my luggage in the back and when he was done, he sat right next to me since Marina and Luke were taking up the space in the back. How much awkwerder could this be. I took my beats out and plugged it into my phone. I put the beats on and just listened to the song. Daydream Away was playing. I got lost in the music whole staring at the window. I felt a tap on my should and turned my beats off.

"We’re here." Calum says. I went towards the back of the van to get my luggage out but Calum beat me to it. 

"I got it. Just go upstairs and turn left and you will find ur room which is the first door on ur right." I did as told and found the room. It was painted all white and it looked like a guest room. I went in the bathroom to rinse my face since i felt icky from the flight and put my hair up in a bun. There was a knock on the door. 

"Come in!" I walked out the bathroom and Calum was standing there with my luggage. We made eye contact for 10 seconds and just stared at each other.

"Thanks." I grabbed the luggage from his hand and he snapped out of it.

"Sorry but were going to Maccas in 10" 

"Okay thanks..." After saying thanks I opened my luggage so I could dress up and realized that Calum was still standing there.

"You can go now." He left and it was the most awkward thing to me. I was sure I didnt have anymore feeling but did he? I forgot about them because I studied most nights and focused on college applications because in 3 months school was over. I just put on black sweats and a plain black tank top. I put on my black cardigan and slipped by uggs on. I didnt care what I looked like. I was comfy and didn't even bother to put on make up. I was too tired but I'm only going because I was hungry. I walked in the living room and everyone was already ready waiting for me.

"Let's go?" I let them all out first and when i was about to walk out the door, I got pulled in by Calum.

"What are you-" He cut me off by pressing his finger up to my lips.

"It's been really awkward and I don't like it. Friends?" He said it all so fast.


"Can we be friends and act normal. Please I cant stand the awkwardness."


"Okay! Hug?" He started pouting.

"Don't push it hood." I laughed at him and we walked in the car. We acted like nothing happen and I could feel the boys staring.

"Stop staring!!!"

"It's just... There's no more awkwardness..." Luke starts off.

"Yeah..." Ashton continues.

"What happened?" Michael asks.

"Were... friends?" I say, for some reason saying it like i was unsure. Cheers were going all around the car.

From Logan: Can i have the address of where ur staying at? dont worry nothing bad.

I send it to him and focused my attention on the road in front of us. We arrived at Maccas and the boys instantly ran out of the van and ordered. Me and Marina sat on a table with a boost.

"So what did u guys talk about earlier?" Marina asks. She had her serious face on that she puts on when she wants to know something.

"Nothing really."

"Sure?'' Her eyes were starting to widen.

"Yes! Now be careful or you eyes might pop out of your face." Her face tuned back into its normal expression and the boys came back with food. I got a large fry and an icecream chocolate fudge sundae. I dipped my fries in the sundae.

"What is your problem?" Marina asks. She looked disgusted.

"Haha leave me alone im hungry." 

"That's actually pretty good." Calum says trying it with me. We high fived each other’s french fries and resumed eating. We both felt fries being thrown at us. I took the fries off my hair and ate it. All of sudden there was a huge food fight with nuggets.

"DONT WASTE THE PRECIOUS FOOD!" They all ignored me. Calum was the only one who heard me but he just laughed

"Come one before we get kicked out!" He pulled me into the parking lot and we leaned on the car waiting for them to get kicked out. 

"MY FOOD!!!" I yell at Calum.

"Dont worry theres food at home!" He started chuckling.

"What kind?" I say, raising an eyebrow.


"Yes my cholately hazelnutty... goodness." I gave him a big hug and we kinda just stayed there. I pulled back and just leaned back down on the car.

"Do you ever wonder how our relationship would be like i was never famous?"

"Calum I-" I got caught off my laughing screaming guys.

"What happened?" I ask Marina.

"These 5 year olds had to clean up the mess they made but didnt finish so they just ran out and left me there. But luckily, the manager didnt see me when i left." We piled into the car and Calum's question was like ringing in my head. I didn't like the question. He worked too hard on all of this. Tonight, i had fun with Calum. We acted like as if nothing happened between us. We got home and there were red roses on the doorstep. Calum ran up to it and took out a card that was inside of it. The smile off of Calum's face was gone and he looked up at me. I grabbed the note off his hand.

Hey Al! These are for you and wonder if you wanted to go to the sweetheart dance with me next month?

I was happy but confused at the same time. Calum was looking at me with hope. Did he still like me?


I still liked her no doubt... Wait no, I loved her. I never got over her. I would usually just get up in the morning and put on a smile on my face and act like none of that ever happened. I want to take her to that dance. I thought we could start all over. Maybe not. She has a boyfriend...


This is 2 thousand words long... I dont think ive ever written this much but there you go :)

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