Doctor Emma Quinn

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I stepped out of another paitent's room scanning my chart making small notes along my last paitent's name.  I heard something *clink* behind me and I spun.  My eyes landed on room 10, I feel that it is at this time I should mention that each cell in this institution was equipped with two inch bullet proof glass between it and the halls.   The only openings to the hall being a scattering of three holes in the center for sound to pass through. 

My stomach did a flip flop as I did not expect the green haired white faced man pressed up against the glass.  I could hear his maniac laugh and something in my knees felt like jelly.
I had assumed that he was so stark white due to makeup, but as I stood there caught in his sight I realized it wasn't.

I wanted to move, run, scream, but there was something so unnerving about him that I just couldn't.

"Doctor Emma Quinn we meet at last!" He said with an unsettling grin.

I stepped back,

"Oh now don't go so soon, we're only getting acquainted!" He said

Something about the tone of his voice unnerved every hinge in my body.  I had seen the videos but I hadn't expected him to be so... I don't quite know how to describe it other then powerful...  It felt like every word he spoke made the room on edge.

"And I believe we're done, James" I said trying to keep a level and calm voice.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT" He screamed slamming his hands against the glass face comforting from amused to furious, then back again.

He laughed hysterically,

"No, no, no, no" he said words sped up,

"You, you know my name, my real name" he said panting slightly,

"Say my name." He said with an eerie calm,

I turned and walked to the door,

"SAY MY NAME!" I heard a slam as he screamed at me,

"SAY MY NAME! SAY MY NAME! SAY IT!" He screamed over and over slamming his hands on the glass.

I fumbled with my security card but slid it through walking out of the cells as quickly as possible.  His screams following me.


"Night Quinn - don't stay too late!" My co-worker Lisa said as I passed her.

"I'll do my best" I replied politely as I pushed my office door open.

I flicked the light switch and stepped in, taking off my lab coat.  Hanging it on a peg to my right I turned around and my eye caught on a new item on my desk.  There was a rose - a single red rose, and a note was wrapped around it.  Stepping up to my desk I gently picked up the rose with my left hand, and turned the card over with my right.

In scrawly handwriting it wrote;

Come by and see me sometime,  - J

I pulled the note off the flower and half ran half walked down to cell 10.

"What the hell is this?" I demand angrily slamming the note against the glass of Joker's-no, James's Cell. 

He spun,

"Now now that's no way to introduce yourself." He chastised.

"How did you get this into my office?" I demanded refusing to be swayed by him.

His smile streched across his face as he recognised the note pressed against the glass. 

"I know people" he said,

"But that's all in the past now ~" he said coming closer to the glass.

"I'm warning you Jam-" I didn't get to finish before he cut me off,

"That's not my name" he hissed,

"I don't care what your name is if I find anything like this again I'll-"

"You'll tell the Batman?" He said laughing hysterically,

"Like he would believe you"

Anger swelled in my chest ready to pop but instead I took a deep breath and met the crazed man's eyes.

"Any further attempts to contact me in this manner will not be tolerated, since there is no one under the pseudonym 'Batman' I won't be contacting him, however, I think you'll find I'm very willing to contact the head of security and have you moved to a much tighter cell."  I cooly replied, refusing to give in to his antics.

I didn't wait to hear his response as I walked out of the cell block, my heels clicking against the cold tiles were the only sounds that filled the air.

Heyyyy party people so I haven't logged into Wattpad in an age and I realized that I never posted this part of the story??  (It's legit all I got so don't be too hyped like imma be posting updates regularly) So yah here ya go...  Don't know what else to say as I haven't been in author mode in literally over a year???  Oh also the reason with the rose n' the note is because it's from the Harley back story episode in Batman the Animated series I don't remember the exact episode but you could Google it and find it easy peasy should you wish.  Anyhoo I am outta here hope you enjoy, byeeeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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