"Little sister! Tiny me! Mon Cheri! Aurora! You made it!" Selene exclaimed, as Aurora plopped herself next to Selene. "For sure I thought you were going to be a Ravenclaw. But a Gryffindor? I couldn't be prouder." Selene looked so proud of her. "That's my sister you guys." Selene said, looking smug while she showed Aurora off. "Hi, my name's Enya." A girl said, looking of South American descent. She had curly hair in a side braid and beautiful dark brown eyes. "Aurora." Aurora said shaking her hand. "Oh, I know. Your sister raves about you all the time. You guys have such a cute relationship. I just wish me and my brother were as close." She said sneaking a glance at a young boy walking to the Slytherin table after being sorted.

"You will be. One day. You just need to make the effort and open up to him. There is no good of dreaming if having a good relationship with your siblings if you never act on it." Selene assured. Enya smiled at Selene, looking grateful for the reassurance.

Aurora turned to watch the rest of the first years get sorted.

"Abbott, Rose!" "HUFFLEPUFF! ..."Bones, Linea!" "HUFFLEPUFF! ..."Boot, Lindsey!" A young blonde approached the hat. A few moments later the hat roared "RAVENCLAW!" "Bullstrode, Emily!" "SLYTHERIN!"


"Khan, Noor!" Aurora watched in anticipation as Noor put the old hat on. After what seemed to be forever but was really 3 minutes the hat yelled "GRYFFINDOR!" Aurora sighed in relief. Her new friend was going to be in her house. What a blessing that was. "Hey," Noor said as she sat down next to Aurora. "I'm so relieved. I thought for sure I wasn't going to be placed in Gryffindor." "Honestly, same." Aurora agreed.

As they both watched the ceremony, "Potter, James!" Was announced. A hush was spread over the room. "Potter as in Harry Potter?" A voice said. James made his was to the hat and put it on his head. In no time at all, the hat boomed, "GRYFFINDOR!" James looking very pleased and happy, jogged to the Gryffindor table and set himself down in front of Aurora. "Hey Rora." James said, pretending to tip an imaginary hat in her direction. "And you too, Noor." He added, tipping his 'hat' to her.

"Who's this...?" Selene asked, raising an eyebrow at James. "Oh, this is the James. He's the official stalker of Great Britain." Aurora said proudly, patting James. "Please, you follow a random bloke for a while and all of a sudden you're 'the official stalker of Great Britain.'" He said, rolling his eyes.

"Do I want to know?" Selene asked. "I wouldn't think so." Aurora answered.

Minutes passed by and soon an elderly but stern lady approached the podium. 'Welcome to a new year and a new beginning ," She said as she looked at all the tables. "It is my honor to announce the arrival of a new year at Hogwarts, School of Witchraft and Wizardry," She announced. "I know you all will excel your studies and do your best. Or at least I hope." She said, earning a good laugh from some of the teachers. "Anyone is capable of doing and becoming anyone and anything. And with that, let the feast begin."

To Aurora's surprise, the plates were all at once, filled with food. Ranging from roast beef to pudding and gravy. "I don't know about you, but the real question is, is this all Halal?" Noor asked poking at the meat with her fork. "Halal? Ah, yes. We've been catering halal food since the beginning. Wouldn't want our Muslim students not getting the same chances as the others. I would believe that the only dishes you wouldn't get to eat would be the pork." A ghost floated through, shocking many first years. Even Enya and Selene were startled, though it didn't last long. "Nearly Headless Nick!" Selene exclaimed. "I haven't seen you in ages! How are you doing, my boy?" Selene tried to put her hand on his shoulder, but her hand went straight through the ghost. The ghost, or Nick, seemed a little miffed. "Selene. I've been doing well, though I would much rather prefer if you've called me by my actual title, Sir Nicholas De Mimsy-Porpington." "What does she mean by 'Nearly Headless Nick?" Aurora asked. Nick simply took hold of his head and his head fell into his hand as if it was on a hinge. Nick looked please at the stunned faces.

Anemones and Alliums {James Sirius Potter}Where stories live. Discover now