The two werewolf’s looked at each other as one shrugged and then back at Lucan “Sorry Sir but you did request us didn’t you, we came from DR. Dawson as soon as he let us both go to pick it up”

He spoke into his headset with one hand on his ear and said “Caleb did you see Two SAS troopers leave with the Suitcase?”

Caleb replied back and said “Yes sir, it’s on its way to Dawson”

Lucan sighed “No its not, the two who were meant to pick it has just walked in”

Caleb replied back saying “What? I’ll Get them straight away, I’ll send out a alert for them”

One of the werewolfs looked over at the desk to see a women in white drenched in blood leaning on the table, he said “Sir, is she ok?”

Lucan assumeing they meant Gwen sighed and said “No, she’s dead”

The troopers eyes were wide open and there was fear in his voice as he said “oh no she fucking isn’t”

Lucan’s gaze was straight on  Gwen, but she didn’t move, then over to Luna as her and Ruby slowly made their way out of the room, then over at Gabe’s desk, she was still standing, blood down her white suit, her eyes wild, Lucan said out loud “Holy Fuck!”

Ruby looked back and Marcus looked up, Gabe flipped open a secret compartment on her desk, inside was a key to which she turned with a big grin on her face followed by a evil laughter as she wretched more blood over the floor, the laugh echoed but was soon drowned out by sirens and red lights flashing all over the place, everyone looked around in confusion wonder what was going on, there fears come to light as a computerised voice echoed out over the alarm that said “YOU HAVE TEN MINITES TO DISTRUCTION, PLEASE EVEACUATE THE AREA”

Lucan shouted at the top of his voice “Let’s move this place is going to fucking blow”

Everyone fled as fast as their legs could let them, Lucan saw Marcus still sitting there, he shouted at him “Come on we got to move”

Marcus stood up holding Gwen’s body in both of his arms, she was dead weight but somehow he had strength enough to carry her, everybody fled down the stairs and into the lift, Gabe sat down on her chair as the sirens went off, the voice saying that there is five minutes left, Gabe smiled as she took out a cigar from her draw and a lighter she bit the top off and lit it, she took a deep in hale and looked over at Kiren’s mangled body parts and said “This one’s for you”

She sat there quietly until the timer started to count down, with a last defiant smile on her face she drew her last breath, five, four, three, two, one.

The sound of a explosion echoed and rattled the lift, most of the occupents in the lift looked up hoping that the explosion had done any damage to the lift, the light inside flickered as everyone had a sigh of relief, apart from Marcus, he just watched Gwen’s body, it didn’t even move and there was still no pulse.

As the lift finally approached ground floor there was a team of Medics waiting there arrival, there first instinct was to rush to their aid but Lucan got in first and said “Tend to the troopers first, were fine”

The medics hesitated at first but then moved around Marcus, Lucan, Ruby, Luna and Caleb to look and tend to the others, Anderson waited to be checked over as he watched everyone walked out, the rain was still poring down, before they could leave a tall but old man walked in, he was well toned and had gray hear, he was flanked by two SAS officers either side, his outfit was pristine and he wore his stripes and badges, he looked at Lucan and said “Are you Captain Lucan?”

Lucan looked at him and said “yes i am”

The man held out his hand “Commander Aidan Davies”

The Gaurdian LoversOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora