We wake up, we wait for others around us to entertain us, to make us happy, and then we are excited.

Others are our controllers, they control the switch that can light our lights up with happiness, they have the power to shut us out and leave us in darkness, or they can dim us. Don't ever let anyone dim your light.


"Hurry up." Jared paces back and forth in front of my locker, "I could've been to hell and back by now."

I roll my eyes. With a small glance to the left I see a group of freshman admirers, or my locker neighbors, casually not so casually staring at Jared.

I lean in towards Jared and drop my voice to a whisper, trying to get the words out before laughing, "Sh, don't swear, there's little ears around."

Jared smirks and kicks my locker closed.

"Hey!" I punch him as hard as I can in the arm. Unfortunately, I don't think it accomplished my anger. However if I looked at his face a certain way it could be considered a look of pain. I guess.

Glaring at him, I reach up to turn the dial on my combination, once again.

Pretty soon the freshmen clear out, with one last stare at Jared, and glare at me, of course.


Fifteen minutes later were plopped down on a couch in Jared's basement. Well, I'm plopped down on the couch, Jared awkwardly paces back and forth in front of me.

I cross my arms over my chest, "What did you want to tell me?"

"Okay, so you know homecoming is coming up in a few weeks?"

I nod. Hm. News to me.

"Anyways, I was wondering if-"

I roll my eyes at him, "Jared, I really hope you aren't planning on-"

"If you could help me figure out a good way to ask Elle." He finishes and I pause. Oh. Well, this I can do.

"Aww!" I grin, "I knew you two would date."

"Shut up Lex." Jared leans against the couch, "She's probably not even into me. I just have always had this thing for her. And I thought maybe you could help me get her to say yes."

"So you want me to help you plot different ways to overall con Elle into saying yes to your lame ass?" I smile.

"Yes." Jared announces proudly, "That would be completely correct. Except for the fact that a, I am not a lame ass, and b, you're actually such a jerk."

"You just called a girl a jerk and think that girls best friend is going to go out with you?"

"Point well taken. Now will you help me or not?"

"Hmmm." I pretend to think about it, before smiling, "Of course I'll help. She'll for sure say yes."

He holds his palm up for a high five, "Hell yes." He grins.

"So what are your ideas?"

"Ideas? I was just going to ask her."

"Just ask her? You're stupid." I chuckle, "Is Elle going to want the guy that just asks her or the guy that shows how much he cares about her?"

He bites his lip, "True."

I raise an eyebrow, "How long have you liked her anyways?"

"A few days, nothing big." He shrugs.

"And by a few days you mean..?"

He rolls his eyes at me, "Since sophomore year."

"I knew it!" I grin.

"I don't know Lex, it's just, it's senior year and I don't know if she likes me or not. Part of me feels like she considers me just as a friend, and I tried looking at her that way, I just can't."

I smile, "You sound obsessed with her and it's actually adorable." I chuckle.

"Oh god, I don't want to sound obsessed. She'll be totally freaked out. Shit, shit, shit."

"Calm down." I smirk, "She'll be fine. And so will you. But you better be asking her soon, because you know Elle, right? She's really pretty."

He nods, "She's perfect."

"She's going to get asked if you don't get to it already."

Jared nods.

Oh my. That boy's head over heels for my best friend.

"And Jared?" I ask, while getting up to leave.

"Hm?" He looks up at me.

"Don't be a fuckboy around her. She doesn't like that. Break her heart and I break you."

"Break me or my bed?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Not what I meant about not being a fuckboy." I glare at him.

He smiles at me, "See you later Lex. Thanks for the help today!"

I grin back. Who says there's anything better than two of my best friends starting something?


A while later I'm back in the apartment building lounging casually on my bed, binge watching the latest Netflix episodes when my phone beeps.

I glance at it. One new message from Elle.

Sitting up, I brush my hair behind my ear and unlock my phone.

Elle: hoco in few weeks! Dress shopping soon? I think I know who's asking me😋


A/N: hey guys. Thanks for all of the continuous support even when I don't update as often as I should. And for 37k reads.

I LOVE the few pieces of fanart and covers I've received. That and the comments and fans and postings on my message board and the amazing pm's make my day.


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