Chapter Six: Family

Start from the beginning

So it only made sense that Naruto would be gay in this life since he was obviously gay in his last life.

"That can't be right. Naruto has to be gay, at least to some extent."


"What gave you the idea that he isn't?" There had to be a good reason to cause Sasuke to believe this. He wasn't one to fall for things unless he thought them to be true.

"His friend came by to visit last night and decided to stay the night. He caught me watching Naruto is his sleep. The bastard started spewing crap about how Naruto wasn't gay and that I would only be hurt if I sought more than friendship from him." A growl of frustration erupted from his throat, causing Neji to smirk. It wasn't everyday you saw an Uchiha so roweled up. "At first I brushed it off thinking he didn't know what he was talking about. But now that I think more about it I can't help but see that its true. You should see the looks he gives Sakura, like she is some jewel. I hate the way he looks at her body, he was only supposed to look at me like that."

"Sasuke, despite what the current facts might say I don't believe that all hope is lost. He loved you once so he can love you again. You just have to remind his soul that he loved you. It might be hard but it can be done." It was times like these when Sasuke appreciated Neji. They might not admit to being friends but at least they cared enough about each other to be there when needed.



"Thanks." He gave another one of his rare smiles before getting up for his seat.

"Well I better get going. I spent enough time chatting away with you. Tenten is going to kill me if I take any longer."

The two said there goodbyes promising to meet up later so that Neji could reintroduce himself to Naruto.

But for now Sasuke would ponder Neji's words and hope that he could find some truth in the jumble of words.


When Sasuke finally made his way home he was looking forward to some peace and quiet. He needed time to think and possibly curl up in a chair and finish the book he had been reading.
Upon opening the door all his plains for that day flew out the door as he entered.

Yells and laugher could be heard throughout the house. One scream even made the glass of a near by picture quiver. It was one that was taken last year during a trip to the beach. Sasuke didn't care for it much and was slightly put off that it hadn't fallen to the floor broken. Yes, he was in that bad of a mood. In fact he now felt like breaking the picture himself, but resisted the urge.

Coming into the livingroom he tried to ignore the commotion upstairs but it only caused his growing headache to worsen.

'What the hell are those idiots doing up there?' He asked himself, not sure if he really wanted to know.

"Dammit Naruto. I am so going to castrate you and make you choke on your balls." Now that was defiantly Sakura and by the sound of things Naruto was a dead man. So the question still remained what did the blond idiot do?

"Naruto, I think she means it... I think its best to haul ass and hope for the best." Kiba's voice came drifting down the stair case along with the unmistakable sound of stampeding footsteps.


"Shit... Sakura it was a just a dare... come on... it was only harmless fun." Naruto was obviously trying to beg for his life. Sasuke, after knowing Sakura for many years, knew that words would not be enough to calm her raging self.

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