
"Naruto! It's already 8 o'clock! If you don't get up now, you're going to be late." Silence followed the outburst. "Naruto Uzumaki, get up NOW!"
The said blond turned in his bed, grumbling. It should be a federal offense to make the future tax-payers of this country get up so freakin' early to attend the hell some called school.

"I'm up, mom!" Naruto yelled back, massaging his head. It felt as if he had been hit by an eighteen wheeler. His whole body ached in all the wrong places and his head throbbed.

"Shit, what did I do last night."

"Naruto, mouth." His mother said in a warning tone from the door. "Hurry up and get dressed and I will drive you to school."

His mother was a pretty lady with a slender frame and long fiery red hair. She worked in real-estate and was often away from home.

Naruto didn't mind much, she had always been there when he needed her to, and when it was time to go to church.

He loved his mom, but sometimes he wished she was a little less religious. Her life was ruled by the Bible, so in turn Naruto was expected to follow its teachings.

Now Naruto believed in God and was a faithful church-goer, but he could not say he agreed with all of the teachings.

His mother denounced homosexuality and anything that dealt with witchcraft, the occult,or demons. To say the least, Halloween was a forbidden holiday, and God forbid he read Harry Potter or see such movies as the Exorcist.

All in all, though, he loved his mom, and ever since his dad's death some years ago, she was all Naruto had.

Naruto smiled at his mother and nodded. "Sure, I'll be down in a bit."

He watched her leave the room before he got up and headed to his bathroom across the hall. He would just do his hair and brush his teeth; there was no time for a shower.

The mirror in front of him displayed his image. He looked rather pale, which didn't concern him much considering how he felt, although another oddity did.

Moving closer to the mirror, he exposed his swollen neck. It was slightly red and welted around what seemed like two puncture marks.

"What the..." The wounds baffled him; they were rather big for a insect and he really did not want to think how big the spider had to be to leave bites like these.

Deciding it was better not to think about it at the moment, he hurriedly brushed his teeth and fixed what he could of his unruly hair.

When he was done and finally dressed, he rushed downstairs to see his mother setting a plate down on the table.

"Hurry up dear, you don't have much time."

Naruto did not need to be told twice. He was starving, and the egg sandwich was looking awfully appealing.

Sitting down he lifted the food to his mouth and dug in. It tasted wonderful, yet it did nothing to quell the hunger that hung there.

Even after he had consumed the whole thing along with a glass of orange juice and a Pop-tart, he was still hungry.

It made no sense to him; maybe he was really getting sick.

"Naruto, how much are you going to eat? Come on, I'm leaving."

Naruto looked grudgingly at the food as if it was at fault before grabbing his bag and following his mother out the door.


Blood Stained Lilies ||SasuNaru|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now