Part 6: Marked The Mark Of . . . I Don't Know

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Percy's P.O.V.

Yeah, probably the most embarrassing moment of my life.

Professor McGonagall found me and had to personally lead me to Professor Dumbledore's office.

Professor McGonagall had to say some weird word, like Fizzing Whizzbee. After that . . . I think she thought I was mental...

Wizards and witches... Cue the shaking of my head.

"Thank you, Minerva. Now, if you don't mind, please, I'd like to speak to Perseus alone," Dumbledore said.

I mentally groaned. "It's Percy!" I said exasperatedly.

Dumbledore sighed. "Yes, yes. Now," he said after McGonagall left, "What is it that you wish to speak to me about, Percy?"

"You said that I need to protect 'The Chosen One', as in Harry Potter." I wait for him to confirm it.


"All day and all night."


"To go with him wherever he sneaks to and make sure he's safe."


"All the time."

"Your point?" Dumbledore finally asked.

"How can I do that if I don't even have the same classes as him?" I ask.

He nods. "I see what you mean..." He said slowly.

"And the solution..." I trailed off.

"I don't think Harry could get attacked during a lesson, though it is always possible. So, for now, I urge you to put the matter out of your head and protect him during dinner, lunch, and all of that. Oh, yes, and have him gain your trust. I have a feeling he'll do something."

"Fine," I said.

"I believe you have a lesson to attend?"

I felt like rolling my eyes and telling him 'duh' but instead i just nodded.

"I don't suppose you'll be able to find it?"

I grinned. "Got that right."

"It doesn't really matter, I suppose, for first hour will be done in a matter of minutes."

"O-o-okay. What did I have first anyways?" I asked.

"Divination," he said.

I nodded my head in sarcasm. "Of course. And I'm supposed to know what that is?"

"It is the matter of seeing the future," as he said this, his eyes twinkled.

"So ... The teacher is sorta like an oracle?" I questioned and he nodded.

"Great," I said sarcastically. "Just what I needed."


Also, just a matter of fact, Dumbledore did some voodoo magic and kinda ... seared (? I'm not sure what to describe it like... Burned? Anywho, as I was saying,) the place into my head, so now I have the castle memorized. I feel so stupid.

Like, how could I not know the way?

And now here I am. Waiting for The Golden Trio to appear.

When they came in, I grinned at them.

"You didn't go to class," Hermione marched up to me.


She looked angry. "It's your first day of school and you skipped? You just skipped? This is horrible! This is ... How could you do that?" She seemed surprised and angry.

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