The Things Heard When No One Hears You Coming

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Picture of Lorrayne ^^^ aka: Meagan Good

Chapter 1-The Things Heard When No One Hears You Coming

"Charlene, it's not what you think."

"Not what I think? Not what I damn think? You know what I think I saw? I think I saw you grobing the help, you good for nothing bastard!"

"Shush, Charlene! Keep your voice down. Our kids are right upstairs."

"Don't tell me to be quiet you fu-"

My parents hushed voices came in whispers through from the kitchen as I stood quietly around the corner of the hallway.

I think even if they hadn't been so involved with each other, they still wouldn't have heard me coming. No one ever hears me coming. I'm too quiet and I don't really speak to anyone.

I don't think I can remember a specific time or or reason I decided not to really talk to the people around me except the occasional one word reply. There is no big secret to my silence. It's always just been easy for me not to talk to people.

"-I'd suggest us to see a cousiler, but who knows, maybe if she's female, you might start having a go at her as well!" As well as listen to my mother's voice reaching ears in a strangled, barely contained whisper as I stood around the corner.

"Charlene-" My father's pleading reached my ears out in the hallway, obviously trying to plead to my mother.

"Paul, don't." Came the quiet authoritative voice of my mother.

I didn't hear the rest as I quietly made my way back upstairs. I guess breakfast can wait.

To be honest, my father's infidelity isn't that much of a surprise. I often saw the looks passed between him and Marie ever since she came to work for us three months ago. I would be the only one in our family to know that this isn't my father's first indiscretion. I also knew that the idea that our dear red-headed maid was French, appealed to him. The only one left to find out about it was my brother.

This is definitely going in my diary. I thought as I opened the door of my bedroom to get ready for day and write down my thoughts to my only confidant.

But right as I'm about to close the door, the guest room door opens and out walks the man I've been dreaming about since I was four; Derek Reed.

I stay quiet as usual and just watch him and all his shirtless beauty as he cutely stumbles out of the room in the direction of the upstairs bathroom.

Right as he's about walk in the bathroom, he freezes in place for a moment, turns to look at me, shakes his head mumbling to himself and walks into the bathroom.


A/N: Hey! New story. I know it's super short. I'm typing all this on my phone so I can't tell how long it is. I just wanted to make sure I posted something. it is.

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