"I once ran in my mother's shoes that were way too big for me," Wanda lowly snickered, lips turning upwards "and lets just say the outcome wasn't pretty."

"Oh come on, it couldn't be that bad." Bucky said through disbelief of her previously made statement.

"If bruises covering your body, twelve stitches, dislocated shoulder and broken ankle is not that bad, then tell me what is." The sarcasm was obvious to the both, laughing uncontrollably as they gazed into each other's eyes.

Wanda sighed as the moment faded, her soft breaths disappearing into the misty morning. Light rain continued to fall from the sky, noise from the city not losing a single beat.

"I was just heading to grab a coffee, if you want to join that's fine." Wanda suggested, rotating her body from her seating position to face Bucky.

"If you were grabbing coffee then why did you stop to sit here?" Bucky asked through curiosity, lips forming into a large smirk.

"I had time on my hands, figured I'd come back to this place." He hadn't bothered to ask further questions, he were afraid that if he said one wrong word everything developed in those moments with her would be lost forever.

"Are you just going to sit there, or get off your ass?" Wanda's Sokovian accent brightened his sappy mood, displaying his whitened teeth.

Bucky followed after Wanda, leading the directions towards the cafe Bucky was uncertain about. She smiled as she could feel Bucky's presence behind her, something about him had made Wanda feel safe and cared for. Wanda didn't want to go complete crazy over this man, for she had only met him a few treasuring moments before.

"See that small corner shop?" Wanda matched her pace with Bucky's, eager to bolt for the cafe she went to, for her own peace.

"Yes." He slowly dipped his head in approval, watching the beautiful woman he had only met, point at the cafe with much excitement.

"Well that's the cafe."

"No," Bucky said through a large gasp of sarcasm "I thought it was an antique shop." Wanda laughed hysterically, nudging Bucky playfully.

"It actually used to be an antique shop, but the business had been shut down and now it's a loving and peaceful cafe." She smiled widely before pulling Bucky along with her, swiftly crossing the street as cars weren't in view.

They soon became warm as the higher temperature had met with their bodies, admiring their surroundings, which was now the small corner cafe that she found cozy and comfortable. Bucky smiled as Wanda smiled, he did so admire her perfect complexity, slightly reddened nose and Crimson cheeks. Bucky never thought he would meet a woman of such kind, she was so beautiful and completely the opposite of Bucky himself.

"Come, we better order our beverages before I am called in for work." Wanda muttered quietly, not wanting the silence of the cafe to break. And to this Bucky thought it was surreal, nothing could have been more home-like, so very welcoming and calm. Some of the very emotions Bucky hadn't felt for many years.

"What do you work as?" She felt the will to ignore Bucky, who had asked her the current question. Wanda didn't want to reveal that she were working for an organisation that are built to fight battles to save the world, and she didn't want to lie about her own career, Wanda had experienced it before and eventually it caused to lose a friend.

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