Chapter Twenty-Nine

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“That’s not funny Derek.” Deaton said with a shake of his head.

“It wasn’t a joke.” Derek said quietly and opened to door of the clinic to leave.

He had a job to do, and no one would be safe until it was finished. One way or another. He didn’t take the car, that was parked well out on the other side of the woods where no one would think to look for it, in a place that he had only ever taken one person.

His car wasn’t as comfortable as his bed but it would do while he finished what he had to do. Besides, the view of the town made him feel somehow closer to the rest of them, even though he tried to convince himself that he wasn’t missing them.

So on foot he walked and ran to the place that he knew she would be, because like him, she was hiding from someone, trying to keep her actions a secret so that no one could stop her.

Her senses were strong, but his were stronger. He was an alpha and his abilities had grown with him. He sat perched in the tree branches, his ears intently trained on the sounds in the forest around him as he waited.

He would have been there almost an hour before his nose locked onto the scent he had been tracking for the last two weeks. He scoured the darkness and focussed all of his senses on finding her.

She was still human at this stage. She hadn’t fully completed her transformation and if he played this well enough he could surprise her before she had the chance. The smell got stronger as she roamed nearer, his fingertips twitching with anticipation.

His instincts still said that killing her was the best option but he wasn’t going to give in. There was too much at stake.

She was walking in a path that led directly to him now and his crystal clear vision picked her up and he prepared his jump. His timing was crucial. Deaton was right, the tonic he had Derek drink didn’t protect from the severity of her claws or her dexterous tail, those could quite easily still kill him.

He gave himself a count and when she was almost directly below he let himself drop right into her path, knocking her down from above.

The Maeve let out a cry and Derek crouched, teeth bared and ready for anything she could throw at him. He leapt at her, grabbing her throat and pinning her to the forest floor with a knee in her chest.

She hissed up at him with her eyes glowing and Derek would finally get a good look at her. She bore a striking resemblance to Karissa but she was definitely older. Her hair was much darker and her nose was more pointed but the eyes were all but identical.

Derek tightened his grip on her throat and she began to laugh hysterically.

“Do you even know what I am? Your little werewolf tricks aren’t going to work the way you want them to.” She grinned and Derek knew that she would be trying to manipulate the pheromones in the air to seduce him long enough to kill him.

It didn’t take long for her to realise that her tricks were the ones tripping up and her eyes filled with horror and disbelief.

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