Chapter 3

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 What happened for the rest of that day I wasn’t sure, I recall faint memories of Kai carrying me home, the worried but grateful voice of my mother, someone tucking me into bed, the smell of hot chocolate..... 

 Hot chocolate.

Ivy stirred as she slowly opened her eyes, only to squint them in reflex as the morning beam hurt her eyes. Delicious fumes of hot chocolate wafted into her nostrils, someone had laid out a fresh set of clothes on her bedside chair, the bamboo blinds were up and the morning essence drifted in from the open windows.


A familiar voice.

Ivy smiled as she turned and flung herself into her mother’s arms. Never had she been so happy to be embraced by a pair of loving arms that she had trusted since young. 

‘Smelt the hot chocolate dincha?’ Her mom asked teased as they pulled apart ‘It never fails.’ 

Ivy grinned. ‘Mornin’ Mom.’ 

‘Good morning sweet heart.’ she replied as she kissed Ivy on the forehead. ‘You had quite a day yesterday.’ 

God that seemed like so long ago. Ivy thought as the events came rushing back to her. Her head started to hurt.  

‘Here, sit down.’ Her mom hustled her back into the bed and pulled up her covers. 

Mom,’ Ivy complained, but not unkindly, ‘I’m fine really, I’m not 6 anymore.’ 

‘Yesterday morning you had dark circles and the evening of that very same day, some random dude had to carry you back home unconscious! If thats not disturbing then I don’t know what that is.’ 

‘Mom, its okay. That boy was Kai. He’s a good-’ she hesitated ‘-friend of mine.’ 

‘So that was Kai?’ 

Ivy swiveled around to find Belle standing by the doorway. Ivy grinned and spread her arms as Belle leaped into them. 

‘Oof!’ Ivy grunted as they both crashed down laughing on her bed. ‘You’re getting quite heavy for a little thing aren’t you?’ 

‘I’m not that heavy, plus-’ she added with a pout ‘-I’m already nine.’ 

Ivy rolled her eyes.

 ‘So thats Kai huh?’ Belle continued excitedly ‘Your first friend in like ages? He’s hot.’ 

 Ivy glared at her mom. 

 Her mom held up her hands in defense. 

 ‘That was not me. I swear. Where did you learn that honey?’ she asked Belle sternly. 

‘Well, um... there is this social network that you may have heard of and its called Facebook?’ she said sarcastically. 

Suddenly Ivy caught a glimpse of the clock. It read 10:45 am.

‘Shit, I overslept.’ Ivy cursed as she flung back the covers. ‘I’m late for school.’

 ‘Oh no you don’t.’ Her mom scolded as she shoved Ivy back. ‘I phoned your teachers to say you’ll be absent. You are by no means fit to go.’ 

 ‘I am fine! I can walk! Isn’t that enough?’ Ivy protested.

‘Ivy, your not well. You were unconscious yesterday.’ 

 Ivy threw up her hands in disbelief. 

 ‘Well then the past is the past, let it be. Plus this wouldn’t be what Dad would-

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