Chapter One: They Took Them All

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[ L I A M ]

Amber has such pretty hair. It's looks black at first glance, but up close its shimmering dark blue, and in the moonlight, it's brighter and prettier than the sea itself. Tonight it was plaited down to her mid back, and gee, it looked gorgeous. It complemented her pretty little round face perfectly. It was hard to believe a girl could be that gorgeous, let alone mine.

"I think it's about time we take them for a ride, don't you think?" Amber suggested to me, stroking Snow's glowing fur as she exhaled calmly, "-they've been sitting around doing nothing for a while now, it's about time we give them some real exercise."

"You're right." A grin spread to my lips. I ducked inside Shadow's side of the stable, patting his back before yanking the saddle off the hook on the wall and swinging it over his back. He jolted, but relaxed as I closed the clasped and attached the bridle to him, making him realise what we were about to do.

"It's great to have you back, Liam." I heard Amber say behind me, her voice holding a joyful tone, "-being out here wasn't the same without you."

I opened the gate and lead Shadow out, whilst replying, "Trust me, I'm glad to be back too Am."

Once Amber had saddled up Snow, I didn't hesitate to slip a boot between the stirrup and slide into the saddle. He swayed at the change but quickly adjusted, beginning to walk forward slowly.

"Where to, Am?" I asked Amber as she cantered up on Snow to stop beside me. She gave a puzzled look for a moment as a gust of wind blew through, making me shudder. There was something eerie about tonight, I just wasn't sure what it was exactly.

"I can't be bothered going far tonight, it's too cold," she rubbed her hands together and blew warn air into them between sentences, "-just around the lake a couple times?"

"Sure thing." I smiled as she smiled, my hands wrapping around the Shadows' reins. Within a good two seconds, we were off, our horses galloping across the land and into the forest as fast as they possibly good. Shadow's pure black body shimmered beneath the moonlight, and Amber's laugh as our hair blew around like mad was enough to make my heart get fuzzy. Gosh, she was beautiful, even with her hair in every direction and the wind blowing in her face. I'd missed her so much.

We reached the lake and were greeted by the quiet ripple of the water nearby. The trees grew upwards, shadowed by the clear blue night sky above. The lights of Tom and Netty's cabin shone in gold, someone must have left the lights on, but none of that mattered. We left an echoed of hooves as we laughed and sped around the lake multiple times, letting the fresh night air tame our minds.

Yesterday had been Natalia, Harry and I's 17th birthday party. We had a bonfire on the beach and danced all night long, munching on chips and delicious chocolate cake (we even snuck in a few beers when none of the adults were looking) and the night itself had been marvellous. It also so happened that last night, Amber kissed me one last time, and that one last, first kiss, brought back the missing puzzle pieces in my life. Now was the first chance I'd have to get to be with her again, this time, memories and all.

And I was so glad to be back.

"The past two days have been the best I think I've ever had." Amber said to me as we slowed the horses to a slow walk as we made our last trip around the lake, "-the party, getting your memories back, spending time with everybody, everybody being happy, being here-" she sighed of relief, "-it's been perfect."

"I know." I returned, staring at her as she looked up at the moon. Her hand carefully stroked Snow's back and her shirt slipped off one shoulder, showing her pale, slightly freckled skin. She seemed so at peace, which was what I knew she needed and I was glad to be a part of it.

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