chapter 6 wounds

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Y/n pov
I wake up and see Adrein sleeping next to me. My first thought is, 'why is he in my bed?' Then I remember the fight and what happened. 'I wonder if Alya is still stuck to my roof.' I go on my roof and see no one is there.

Adrein moans in pain. "What happened?" He asks looking at the bandage on his arm.

"Antibug stabbed you with a spear." I say like it's nothing.

"Plagg! Are you ok?" Adrein asks holding plagg.

"Will you stop waking me up? I would like to keep dreaming about cheese." Plagg complains.

I giggle. "Your shoulder feel any better?" I ask.

"I think i need a new bandage, unless it's supposed to be a browny red color."

"I'll get you a new one." I walk into the bathroom and grab a bandage and an aspirin. "Here." I hand him the pill and a glass of water.

He swallows pill and chugs the water. "Will you get me more water?" He asks.

"First let me change the bandage then I will." I unwrap the bloody bandage. "That doesn't look so good." I say looking at the wound. I grab some neosporin and glob it on the cut. "Tell me if I wrap it too tight." I start wrapping the bandage around his shoulder.

"Thanks. I feel way better than I did yesterday." He says moving his shoulder. "Maybe I shouldn't move that for a while."

"What do you want to eat?" I ask.

"What do you have?"

"Food, just say something and I'll see if I can get it."

"Do you have any pastries?" He asks.

"I'll go get some." I relize I haven't changed clothes since yesterday. "First I'm gonna change into some newer clothes." I say. I grab a pink and f/c striped skirt and a pink shirt. I go in the bathroom and get changed.

I walk back into my room and grab my wallet. "What type pastries do you want?"

"Whatever's cheapest." He smiles.

"Ok. Just two of what I want then."

"That works."

I run down the stairs. I see a note on the counter.

"y/n your father and I are going on a business trip with Mr. Agrest, we'll be back Saturday or Sunday next"

"Ok. So I get to be alone all week." I say. Then I remember Adrein is in my bed right meow.

I grab the house keys, lock the door and go to the bakery.

"Y/n! So I was wondering if you would like to have a sleepover tonight." Marinette asks.

"I don't think I can." I say.

"Why not?"

"My parents are out of town. Sorry."

"It's fine. So I'm guessing you want pastries, what would you like?"

"2 crasonts and 2 chockolate chip cookies."

"Here you go."

"How much is that?"

"It's on the house." She smiles.

"Thanks. I'll text you if I can." I say as I leave. I unlock my door and go inside. I grab a glass fill it with water and go up to my room.

"Did you bring me cheese?" Plagg asks.

"No. But you know where it is." I answer.

"That could be the biggest mistake we've ever made." Adrein says.

"Maybe, but I'm not gonna go to the store to buy more." I answer. "So here is the food." I hand him a crasont and a cookie.

"Thanks. I really hope no one notices I'm gone." Adrein says to the cookie.

"Well, our parents are on a business trip." I sit at my desk.

Adrein sits in the chair next to me. "For how long?"

"Little over a week." I say.

"School will also start then. I wonder if we'll be in the same classes."

I hand him my schedule. "Are we?"

"All the same classes."


"What do you wanna do?" He asks finishing his pastries.

"You wanna watch a movie?" I ask taking a bit of the cookie.

"Sure." We walk down stairs and see plagg and Paige on the kitchen counter kissing. "We should leave them alone." I whisper. We walk into the living room.

"What movies do you have?"

I point to a cardboard box. "We can watch one of those, rent one, or go to the movies." I say.

"Let's go to the movies." Adrein says.

"First I'm gonna take some pictures of plaige."

He smiles and grabs his phone too.

We hear Paige moan. "Maybe we should just leave them alone." Adrein says.

"They're playing that's what she said." I walk into the kitchen.

"I thought you said it would work!" Paige yells.

"What would work?" I ask.

"If we made you think we were doing something you would leave and let us eat all the cheese and honey." Plagg says.

"Oh. Get in the bag, were going to the movies." I open my purse.

"Will you buy me popcorn?" Plagg and Paige ask. "Jinx!"

I start laughing.

"What?" They ask.

"You guys are so cute!"

"I know I am, but I think honey/ cheese is cuter." They say at the same time.

"Plaige just get in the bag."


"Your ship name."

"No. We are not a thing." Plagg says.

Paige blushes.

"Surrrrre." I say.

Suddenly adrein and I relize something, everyone will be asking what happened to his shoulder. "I'll just download one on my laptop."

"Good idea."

We found a movie (in your favorite genre) and watched it.

We had the laptop set up on both our laps. We were sitting on the couch eating popcorn when the power went out, even my laptop turned off.

"Ummmm. What just happened?" I ask.

"We should transform and see." Adrein answers.

"Adrein we can't transform!" Plagg says a little panicked.

"Why not?" Adrein asks.

"Our injuries would mix and cause extreme pain for both of us, forcing me out of the ring." Plagg answers.

"I'll tell you ask about the fight. Ok?" I ask. "Paige, stripes on!"

"Have you ever noticed when you transform your eyes turn purple?"

"Really?! Here," I hand him my phone. "Will you film the fight from the roof?"

"Yes. Now go, Paris needs you." He takes my phone and follows me to the roof. "Looks like this isn't working either." He says poking mine and his phones.

I swing on my laso to go meet the new villan. Then I see a bolt of electricity coming my way. "Shit!"
Cliff hanger. Sorry.

Don't be a ghost reader
Request (who should the villan be?)
I like it alot when you do all 4. So please at least vote.
Thanks for reading☺

Cat Fight (Chat Noir/ Adrein X Fem Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now