"Don't touch my bag!" I yell but he doesn't listen. "Here," I hand the bottle to Liam and go after Harry.

Harry grabs my bag and opens it and dumps out all the items that were in there.

"There has to be fucking something in this bag that can save him!" He shakes the bag but everything already fell out.

"Harry stop!" I go to grab my bag but stop. The little shiny blue box catches my eye and I stare at it. Something is telling me to grab the box and look at it. I grab the box and hold it in my hand. My dad said to take it with me but I never opened it to make sure what it was or what was in there.

"What's that?" Harry asks and reaches for it but I pull back.

"I don't know." I look at it again and open it. Inside were 12 needles filled with a clear liquid. I pull one out and hold it up.

"Is that the cure?" Harry whispers.

"I don't know. Let's try it." I go over to Niall and take off the clear cap with my teeth that's protecting the needle.

"It's gonna be okay Niall. This should help." I tower over him.

"What's that?" Zayn ask but I ignore him and jab the needle in the bite mark. I have no idea what is in this needle or what it will do to him. But we are all prepared for the worst. Louis and Zayn let go of Niall. We all take a couple steps back and watch him.Niall is shaking and squirming on the table. He's yelling and screaming. I want to help him but I don't know how too. This last for a couple seconds and he stops moving. He lyes there motionless. His chest isn't moving up or down. He's not breathing. Is he dead?

"He's dead." Liam says and begins crying. Tears fill my eyes. He can't be dead. There's no way. That had to be the cure. My dad said it was very important for me to bring it along with me.

"No." I shake my head in denial. "He can't be dead." The tears finally fall.

"Way to go Stella. All we asked is that you got us out of here alive." Harry says and I can here the disgust and disappointment in his words.

"It's not my fault." I stand my ground but can't seem to argue with him. My baby, my Niall is dead.

"I told you guys not to come with me when I first met you." I remind him.

"He's not dead. That had to be the cure." I whisper to myself. The liquid in that needle had to be the cure.

"Niall?" I call out to see if he would respond.

I get closer and closer to him and he sits up and takes a deep breath. I gasp and get on the table.

"You're alive!" I cry out of happiness. And hug him tightly. He hugs me back and I can feel his chest heaving up and down fast.

"It's okay. You're okay." I whisper to him and take in this moment.

All the boys hug him and it becomes one big group hug. The boys pull back and so do I. I pull aside his t-shirt where his bite mark was to see how much damage we had to patch and clean up but it wasn't there anymore.

"It's gone." I say shocked. There's no more bite mark on his shoulder anymore. There's nothing there.

"Okay either I'm getting delusional or what." I feel his shoulder and it feels normal. No scar, no indent, no nothing.

"So that's the cure." Louis says. I nod and tell him yes.

"You had that all along and didn't say anything?" Harry questions. Here we go again.

"I didn't know what was in that box." I get off the table.

"What do you mean you didn't know what was in it? You didn't check? You just decided to throw a random box in your bag?" Harry steps closer and I look up at him.

"Listen here asshole," I poke his chest "my father works for the government and when all this shit went down he told me to take the box and put it in the bag and said it was very important. I didn't have time to sit there and check everything. Stop blaming shit on me! I'm going through just as much as you are!" I push him and he takes a few steps back.

"Hey!" Zayn says and stands between Harry and I.

"Don't fucking come after me again." I say and pack all my items back into my bag. I made sure the blue box was in there before I get up and leave.

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