Chapter seven

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Liam's POV

Yesterday was hectic. I remember people running around and screaming. I want to think that this is a really bad dream I'm having a nightmare and I want to wake up from it but it's not a dream. It's real life. While Louis was driving I decided it was a good idea to save some gas and pull over and wait it out. Unfortunately, we ended up sleeping.

"Wake up." I nudged Niall who was next to me.

He moved around a tiny bit, but didn't wake up.

"I have blueberry waffles!" I cooed at him.

He jolted up quickly and rubbed his eyes.

"Blueberry waffles? Where?!" He looked around and stretched.

"Nowhere. You needed to wake up." I laughed at patted his shoulder.

"You're an asshole." He yawned.

The rest of the boys woke up and stretched.

"I had this horrible dream that there was a zombie apocalypse happening, and Paul got bitten, and there was people yelling and we ended up in the... " Harry paused and looked at his surroundings. "van." Harry started feeling the can and his breathing picked up.

"It wasn't a dream, Harry. It really happened." I looked at him and his eyes widened.

"No. It can't be real. Did I say something in my sleep and you're playing a prank on me?" His voice started cracking.

"No. This is all real." Zayn placed a hand on his shoulder and calmed him down.

"What do we do now?" Louis asked. He was playing with the laces on his shoes.

"We walk. We walk until we find a safe camp. You know how in movies they have safe camps?

Everyone nodded their heads.

Well.. They should have one of those. All we have to do is travel and did it so we can be safe . "

"We don't have any weapons to protect us or anything." Zayn said, massaging his head.

"Louis, look in the glove box. Something has to be in there." I told him.

He went to the glove box and opened it. "Bingo!" I heard him say.

" What's in there." I asked. I peered over the passenger seat.

" Two guns, and two pocket knives." He held them up for me to show.

He sat back down and put the weapons on the seat.

"Who's going to use what?" Harry asked.

That was a good question. That means one of us will be without a weapon.

"Rock paper scissors?" Niall suggested.

"No. We'll do it by oldest. Me and Louis get the gun, because we're more mature. Harry and Zayn, You get the pocket knives." I gave them their weapon and they nodded.

"Aye, I'm older than Harry!" Niall pouted.

"But we treat you like our little baby. If you find something when were walking, don't hesitate to grab it and use it." I Cocked my gun as I was about to open the van door.

"Ready?" I looked back at them.

They nodded, and I opened the van door. Only to find, that the streets were empty.

Instinct (1D)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora