Chapter two

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You know what I hate? I hate when I have to wake up at seven in the morning to get ready for school. School doesn't start till eight. It's good that I only live 10 minutes away from school. Usually I check instagram and tumblr before I get up and get ready. But today, I didn't feel like checking them. I wanted to get ready.

I got up from bed and went to my bathroom. A nice quick shower wouldn't hurt. That's exactly what I did. I took a quick shower. I wrapped a towel around my hair and got changed into Khaki skinny jeans, and a blue and pink flannel. I took out my blue and pink colored Sperry's from my closet and put them on. I went back to the bathroom and took of the towel. I don't really feel like doing my hair, so I put it up in a cute/messy bun. I hair sprayed it and left the bathroom.

I put on mascara and lipstick and put on my earrings. I grabbed my purse and checked the time. school starts in 15 minutes. I should go now.

I walked down the stairs and went to the kitchen. my mom and dad were awake they have to work later on. I grabbed a banana and a strawberry-to-go breakfast shake.

"Bye." I yelled, making my way out the door.

its such a lovely day outside. the sun is shining brightly and the birds are chirping. I peeled my banana and ate it. It was sweet. Just what I needed. I saw the school from a distance. Shoot! School starts in 5 minutes. I ran to school and got into my first period just in time. I took a seat next to my friend Melina. we both had Home Ec. together.

"Hey." I said out of breath.

"Almost late again?" she chuckled.

I simply nodded. I was really out of breath.

I sat in my seat and pulled out my phone from my purse. Now seems like a good time to check instagram and tumblr. Hey, its Home Ec we are talking about. The class where you don't do anything but cook food.

*Teachers please turn on your t.v to channel 6. I repeat, please turn on your t.v to channel 6!* The lady said over the intercom.

"Wonder what's going on." Melina said.

I looked at her and shrugged.

The teacher did what the lady said, and turned on the t.v.

Aparently something big happened because on the news channel it was 'Breaking News'.

All the kids including myself, went to go stand in front of the tv.

*BREAKING NEWS* came across the t.v.

"There has been a break out of the V17 infection. No one knows how it got started, but the whole town is chaos. It seems the people are turning into Zombies. The Zombie apocalypse is happening! Stay indoors or find safe shelter." The reporter was outdoors filming and talking." I repeat, stay indoors or find safe sh-" She was cut off by a zombie attacking her. All you heard was screaming and 'help me's'

Everyone looked at the t.v with a shocked expression on their face.

Holy shit. It's happening. The zombie apocalypse is actually happening. I have to get home. I have to be with my parents. I need to get out of here.

* RELEASE ALL STUDENTS TO GO HOME. STUDENTS PLEASE BE SAFE!* the lady yelled over the intercom.

I grabbed my purse and walked out the door.

"STELLA!" I heard someone call behind me.

I turned around and saw Melina running up to me.

"Melina you need to go home, now. Stay safe and don't let anyone in your house until you know this is all over." My voice was shaky.

"Stella. I'm so scared. I don't know what's going on." She had tears dripping down her face.

It felt like everything was in slow motion. The only thing my eyes would focus on was Melina, while everything around me seemed like a blur. I squeezed my eyes and shut them tightly, hoping this will all go away.

"Stella. Stella, you alright?" Melina shook my shoulders.

I opened up my eyes and my eyes met hers.

"A zombie apocalypse is happening. We have no time to waste. Get home and protect yourself. Love you Melina." I pulled her into a hug and cried. "Now go, run as fast as you can and don't stop for anyone."

She nodded and we held hands. I gave her a reassuring smile and nod. I let go of her hand and we both went different directions.

I ran out the front of the school to find all the student running in different directions.

The streets were filled with people yelling and screaming. People were letting out blood piercing screams that hurt my ears. My heart was beating out of control and it felt like I was going to pass out. Pull it together, Stella. I need to get home, Now

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