Recon Training

7 1 3

April 22, 2548
Aleks lays low in the open field, aiming down his sniper. "Gunner spotted, taking aim." He shoots, he scores. "Gunner down, moving position." The solider picks up his sniper and holsters it, switching it to a pistol instead. "Watch me if you're not too busy, I'm moving across the field." The boy runs, and he runs fast. "What the hell are you doing?! It's us against thirty othe--" Aleks' teammate and best friend Lux is obviously shot down and now out. "You're useless sometimes." Shots are fired towards Aleks from every angle. He shoots one, dodges one, shoots the next, dodges another. "Hell yeah! I can do this all day." As his shooters take time to reload Aleks heads into the capture point, in the middle of the field. "Alright there's atleast twenty sights aimed on this tower...have a decoy and I'm home free." He thinks out loud to himself out of being used to someone on the other side. "Lux is out. Shit, right." Ascending the steps he comes to the top to find himself in a predicament. A barrel pointed to his head as it's cocked. "Well, well, well." Says a familiar voice. "Little rookie Mitchigan trying to win the game by himself? Please, go back to Kansas." He laughs. Aleks' current threat is Victor, Victor month. "You're going to get your head blown off if you stay up there out in the open, Vic." The older boy laughs. "Oh please either I've taken everyone out or everyones taken themselves out. It's just lil' ol' you and big ol' me." Vic smirks, squeezing the trigger a bit before a female voice shouts "DUCK!" And Aleks does indeed duck. The pistols knocked out of Vics hand by a wooden piece and he stumbles back. "What tha--" Aleks stands up and elbows Vic in the face making him stagger back even closer to the edge. He kicks his knee in and holds him over the edge. "Hey Vic. Game over." Aleks is the one to smirk this time, throwing Vic off the edge landing with a loud 'Thud'. "You always seem to save me at the right times, Aria." Aleks says, turning around to face the female. "Indeed I do. But sadly cannot save you from me so I'm just going to have to take the flag back to my pod. As the winner." The girl grabs the flag and Aleks doesn't stop her, "Have a good victory dinner."

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