The Unexpected Visit

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September 6, 2538
The day is dark and stormy as rain pours on top of the Mitchigan household. It's nice and quiet until a Falcon flies overhead the home and UNSC troops drop out, landing in their yard. The soldiers are unmasked and unarmed but have a mission to be done. The first one to drop makes his way to their door as it's already been opened out of panic. "What the hell is going on here?!" Shouted Thomas, covering his eyes from the amount of wind. "Admiral Steve Burshy. We're here on request of Fleet Admiral Ash Lansteam. We have orders to take your son into our hands for the greater good!" Thomas blinks, looking at the man with shock. "Who the hell are you to come onto my pro-" Before even finishing his sentance Thomas gets smacked with the rear of a pistol. "Alright team hang tight, I'll get the boy." Walking inside the Mitchigan home all the Admiral sees is a mother and son cowering in fear. "Ma'am, I'm sorry to barge in this way...but ya gotta let us take your kid. He's a straight descendant from Spartan 064 meaning his blood, his body is built for war."
Angelina wipes a tear, "I knew this would happen soon...why this soon?!" The mother lets Aleks go and he steps towards Steve with caution. "It's alright boy, we won't hurt you." The man sighs a bit, swopping Aleks up and over his shoulder, leading him outside to the Falcon. "MOM! MOM! DAD! HELP!" The kid puts up a fight to escape, but is only kicking over Steves shoulder and the last sight of Aleks home was dad knocked out on the doorstep and his mom crying in the window.

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