12 p.m.

3.1K 48 2


The girls made pancakes, about 30 to be exact. They were even surprised the boys had pancake mix.

"Guys pancakes are done!" Jamie yelled to the boys in the kitchen. The boys all ran in like a herd of elephants, and sat at the table. Jamie giggled at them and threw paper plates at them, along with some forks.

"Here, try not to kill each other." Heather giggled and set the plate on the table. All of boys took their stack of pancakes, leaving just enough for the girls and Hailee.

"I'll be right back." Jamie said, setting her plate down.

She walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to the first room on the left. Hailee looked gross, to be completely honest. Jamie couldn't help but feel bad for her. She knew all of the guys were gonna give her shit, and make fun of her.

"Hailee... Hailee...wake up, c'mon." Jamie shook her as hard as she could.

"Huh, wha.." She croaked out.  "Where am I?" She sat up.

"Alex's frat." Jamie answered. "Alex's room."

"Aw man." She groaned. "Why are you here?" She asked.

"It's storming out and the roads are closed. I made breakfast. Come down when you're ready." Jamie offered and left her to get up. Hailee was in a shitty situation at this point. She was in

Back down stairs, the boys were inhaling their food. Jamie giggle and picked up the plate of the three pancakes, all of the boys yelled in response. 

"These are for Hailee." Jamie said and all of the boys looked up from their food.

"Hailee?" Parker said. The boys all exchanged laughs.

"Yes, please don't be dicks to her." Jamie begged.

"Why? I'm sure she'd enjoy all of our dicks." Parker laughed. Jamie instantly rolled her eyes at the table of immature boys. The boys kept they're laughs up, failing to realize that Hailee had been standing in the doorway.

"Guys, really? C'mon." Heather said. Heather walked out to find Hailee who had left.

"Not cool." Jamie said. She wasn't sure how she was going to stand another hour with these four. The only person that wasn't laughing was Harry, surprisingly. Jamie studied Harry, who was finishing up his food before he got up and threw away his plate and disappeared.

"She doesn't need to be so sensitive." Mason said.

"You guys are idiots. She was drunk, and so was Alex. She was not the only one in that bed this morning." Jamie said. She grabbed the bottle of Tylenol and found Heather and Hailee in the living room.

"Here." Jamie handed her the pills and Hailee thanked her.

Today is gonna be a long day.

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