I jumped off the couch, "Yeah but she's the fish I want! She's like an endangered species! Extremely rare." I nearly shouted at him. Erik smirked, "You got it bad." I grumbled, "Yeah? No shit." He stood up and put two hands on my shoulders, straightening me. 

"Noah. Just apologise for whatever the fuck you did. She'll forgive you."

"No she wont."

"What'd you do?"

"Kinda called her a whore..."

Erik pulled back and winced, "That's bad."

I whined, "I knoww..."

"Well what are you going to do about Hana?"

I slouched into the couch and put my head in my hands. "Well I can't cancel on her, the party's in two hours, and I don't want her mad at me too."

Erik sighed and sat down on the coffee table. 

"You could keep tabs on Lisey... Ya know, at the party, make sure they don't... hook up."

I smirked, "Good idea. It's the least I could do."

Lisey's Point of View

Me and Tia-D sat in my bedroom, she calmly sketched me, while I side braided my hair. 

"Lisey... Are you thinking about Noah?"

I nodded smirked sadly. 

"Lisey! Don't! He called you a whore! He is from no on, off limits! No thinky! He's a dick that keeps mind-fucking you everyday." She glared at her sketch book. "Fuck him."

"But I called him a man-whore, basically."

"He is!


"No butts Lisey! Unless they belong to Ken!"

I sighed and continued braiding my hair...

We sat like that for a while until the silence was getting awkward...

"So... the party is in two hours... What are you gonna wear?" She questioned me, her hand,gracefully drawing my back. 

"This one dress..." I said vaguely. "The one Noah picked out?"

I looked away from her and nodded.

She stopped drawing. 

"Lisey. He's an ass. You shouldn't do that. Wear it another night. You can wear that cute black one you got freshman year."

"It's too short." I stated simply. 

"It's a party."

 I sighed, but I don't want to act like a whore, I thought to myself.

"Just go put it on! Try it." She ushered me towards my closet with her hands.

I sighed and went to go try it on.

I slid on the dress. It was pitch black, tight around my waist and chest with sagging sleeves that went horizontally around my arms, exposing my shoulders, the skirt part poofed a little bit. I smirked to myself, it wasn't as bad as I thought... then again I hadn't gotten much more than an inch taller since freshman year, so it should've still fit.

I walked out of my closet, showing Tia-D. "What do ya think?" 

Her jaw dropped, "Lisey you look fantastic! Just add some of my mother's opal spattered bangles and this one, super adorable opal stone necklace." She smiled at me excitedly, "Oh! And you're size seven right? In shoes?" I nodded, "Cool! You can wear these high hee-" I cut her off.

Me + High Heels = Disaster.

"I'll just wear my black high tops." I smirked and she giggled, "That will make you look so spunky! If you wore that one leather jack you have you'd be like an urban modern punk kid! Just paint your nails black and, and-"

"Tia-D!" I shouted. "Calm down, hon! You still got to get your outfit ready."

She smirked, "Already done. Modern Indian Girl Gone Bad." I laughed at her and she did too.

For a while I was actually happy, not focused on my drama with Noah, the girls at the gossip, my parents, or anybody.

Just laughing with my friend.

Hey guys! So yeah! The next chapter is the last chapter! Yay! (You'll love it! I promise!) Oh my god. It's my last chapter of this story... *gulp* I don't want it to end!!

Well... good for me! Hopefully for you! There's gonna bed a super drama filled sequel! 

OH MY GOSH YOU'LL LOVE IT! I just know it!

I'll tell you the title next chapter... it gives away too much of the story to tell you now...

Smiley face :]

Again, thank you!

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