"The venom was excruciating but what Carlisle did was much harder not many of us have the restraint to do that." Edward explained to her as they sat under a tree as it rained "But didn't he just have to uh-bite?" Bella asked "Not exactly when we taste human blood a sort of frenzy begins and it's almost impossible to stop." Edward told her "But Carlisle did." Bella said softly "First with me, than with his wife Esme." Edward added "So is Carlisle the reason that you don't kill people?" Bella asked "No it's not the only reason we have a human well sort of she's lived with us since she was just a newborn when Rosalie found her, her parents were killed we don't know about the rest of her family, but we don't want to be monsters either, my family we think of ourselves as vegetarians, because we only survive on the blood of animals but it's like a human only living on toufoe keeps you strong but your never fully satisfied, what it would be like for drinking your blood." Edward said then went quiet at his choice of words 

"Was it other vampires that killed Waylon?" Bella asked "Yeah, they're others out their we run into them from time to time." Edward told her "Can the rest of your family read peoples minds like you can?" Bella asked curiously "No that's just me but Alice sees the future along with Cindy but Cindy isn't a vampire she's a sort of witch from what we know a very powerful one she has multiple gifts so far and it's became very hard for her to control."  Edward explained to her "I bet they saw me coming." Bella said to Edward "Alice visions are subjective it it means the future can always change and Cindy's are at times always on point she's seen you coming she's watched you find out about out family, she's watched you almost get crushed by the van, she saw you coming much a head of time than Alice ever did." Edward explained to Bella, Bella found this Cindy very interesting she wanted to know more about Cindy like about Cindy's gifts, her past life, about being a witch but Edward had this sort of guilty tone as he spoke of her and Bella didn't want to question anymore about the younger Cullen with an actual beating heart.

Cindy was back in reality in her bedroom when her door rang, Cindy smiled looking out the window to see Seth, Cindy grinned rushing down the stairs "Cindy, Seth is here." Emmett said with a smug look on his face Cindy gave her father a warning look "Hey." Cindy said smiling "Hi." Seth said shyly Cindy had never seen Seth come on this side of town due to the fact his family knew about the Cullen's and only like Cindy but they didn't trust the vampire Cullen's enough to let Seth come over "Come in." Cindy said to Seth he walked in nervously Alice and Jasper walked over, Alice looked very excited "Seth this is Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie my siblings." Cindy lied everyone out of the house believed the rest of the Cullen's in high school were her siblings while Esme and Carlisle were her parents only because they didn't want people to question the family, Rosalie looked at Seth in bit of distaste but smile seeing the huge smile on her daughter's face 

"It's nice to meet you." Seth said kindly even though he'd heard all the stories and legends of The Cullen's he wasn't going to be rude to the family of the girl's he was insanely in love with "We're going to my room." Cindy said grabbing Seth's hand "Leave the door open." Emmett quickly said with a look of panic on his face hearing Cindy's words causing his adoptive siblings to laugh, "Wow your room is huge." Seth said with a folder in his other hand "What is that?" Cindy asked Seth "Oh since you've been missing school and mostly still are going I decided to get all your work so you won't fall behind." Seth said with a cheeky smile Cindy rolled her eyes in amusement "Yeah I know you don't care about homework but I want us to be able to graduate together." Seth said smiling at Cindy,

Cindy and Seth sat on the bed doing home the blonde would pretend like she didn't get what she was doing just so Seth could stay a bit longer and hang out with her though from time to time Emmett would pretend like he forgot something or that he'd mistake it for his bedroom or the bathroom which annoyed his daughter but Emmett didn't care he didn't need his daughter getting knocked up at such a young age even though he knew both kids were responsible even for such a young age, Rosalie ended up having to stop Emmett after Jasper had talk Rosalie that Cindy was becoming annoyed, Seth finally had to go home since Sue Clearwater was outside the to walked down the stairs hand and hand Cindy opening the door "I'll come by tomorrow to check up on you." Seth said shyly his cheeks turning red, Cindy smiled widely nodding Seth kissed her cheek walking out of the house Cindy closed the door leaning against the door with the rest of her family smirking at her "She is so innocent." Emmett commented Rosalie hit his arm "Wait til she's 16 your going to wish she was still like that." Rosalie pointed out, 

"Really guys? Really?" Cindy questioned in amusement "So how did it go?" Esme asked excitedly "Oh yeah like you guys didn't listen into our conversation at all." Cindy said sarcastically throwing her hands in the arm "He was great wasn't he?" Cindy asked with a cheeky smile rushing upstairs as they heard her let out a happy cheer, the Cullen's laughed in amusement but smiled happy that the youngest Cullen that'd went through so much was very happy.


GUYS I'm SO excited for the next chapter when Bella meets the Cullen's like I can't wait until Cindy meets Bella. Cindy and Seth make my heart melt their both so innocent and young and in love and it makes me smile to see puppy love. Has ANYONE SEEN FINDING DORY? I WANT TO SEE THE MOVIE SO BAD, Finding Nemo was amazing and now I just want to watch Finding Dory? Was it as good as everyone says? 


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