Doing the right thing

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Landon POV

I opened my door and tightened the leather straps of my gear. I stepped out the room and grunted as the blade of my sword protruded from my side sheath. I walked to the door across my room and knocked lightly. When I didn't receive a reply, I opened the door without remorse.

"Jade?" I looked around the room and didn't spot her, so I headed for the door to the left. that went to her bedroom and opened it without making a noise.

There covered in golden sheets laid the beauty. Her face was peaceful looking, her skin shined under the moonlight that came through the balcony doors that were splayed wide open.

With a sigh I walked to the balcony and stepped out closing the doors behind me. I sighed as the fresh air hit my face and stretched my arms.

"King its time" Kurtis linked.

I searched the sky and knew that tonight I would be taking back my empire once again.

"Alright I'm heading out right now, have the men at the clearing." I commanded. With that I put up my mental walls and refused to be interrupted.

Enjoying one last glance at the women that laid in the bed, I jumped off the balcony.

Halfway down I let my wings out and enjoyed the feeling of bones cracking, and the slight brush of my feathers. As my body was only a couple of feet away from the ground, I lifted up and flapped my wings. Just barely missing the ground, I flew up higher until I was out of sight of any humans that were down below.and headed for the clearing at the bottom of the mountain.

I landed on the soles of boots and glided over to Kurtis.

"Are the men prepared?" I gazed around at the men all clad in black leather with the royal emblem stamped on there chests.

"Yes sir, we have already warmed up before we got here. And King Zerk has asked to speak with you." I nodded at my second in command and walked over to the border line of my land and the weres land.

"King Zerk Show yourself." I commanded. The king of all werewolf's stepped out of the shadows and smiled.

"King Ronzeal its always a pleasure to see you here" he chuckled.

I glared at him and sighed.

"Why have you called war on us?" I questioned. His men stepped out of the woods one by one and growled in my direction.

"Well you see King, you have something that I want." He laughed.

I raised my brow and crossed my arms.

"And what exactly is that?" His gaze flickered to my back and then back to my eyes.

"Your throne." He smirked.

I growled and felt my men getting closer.

"Then if its my throne you want then you have to kill me first." I chuckled darkly.

I felt my men start to land behind me and there weapons ringed as they slid out of there sheaths.

" It'd be my pleasure" he smirked.

He quickly shifted into his wolf and his men charged. One by one swords sliced flesh and teeth were biting through bone.

Jade POV

I awoke to the sun shinning through my curtains, and the smell of a storm approaching.

I stretched my arms above my head and yawned. Once the satisfying crunch of my bones popping sounded across the room.I stood from the bed and ventured to the shower and quickly did my business.

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