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log cabins and hot chocolate were the only two things that came to my mind as i got out of the cranky elevator, stepping into the dimmed lights of the empty library. i hug my jacket closer, sliding into the usual bench, after grabbing a few books and opening my laptop.

i have never come here this early, where the sun is still struggling to rise from the dense clouds. the sky is pink, heavy clouds dusting over as if it might rain, and i can hear the birds chirping as i adjust my glasses, running a hand through my fringe.

it's five in the morning, and the only person here is the lean guy scrubbing the shelves. his appearance is a little shabby, his eyes have thick dark circles underneath them as if he hasn't got enough sleep, and his movements are sloppy. i look away from the unfamiliar man, focusing my attention back on the laptop screen. i need to get this work done as soon as possible.

twenty minutes later, i am wandering around the lumbered library, scanning the columns for an autobiography of alexander hamilton, pushing my glasses up my nose, my fingers skipping over endless ancient books.

it's always soothing, coming here.

usually, i come here at night, with a cup of coffee to accompany the old lady who takes care of the library during the dark hours of the day. but today i am running behind schedule and i need to get this work done or else maria will fire me, definitely. i quit thinking about her sharp heels and silver rimmed glasses, and focus on the book that i am desperate to find.

"are you kidding me?" a high pitched voice booms and i turn around to look at the boy, his eyes squinted and his face in a permanent scowl.


"i just mopped the floor and look what you have done! making a mess," he says through gritted teeth, nudging my feet with his mop and glaring at me all the while.

"i'm sorry," i stutter, widening my eyes at his harsh tone and turn the corner to search another shelf. what has crawled up this guy's butt? maybe he is cranky because it's early in the morning. he looks young, probably someone who's in university. poor guy.

"can you help me find this book?" i hesitantly ask the tanned boy, and he looks at me with cold eyes before placing his hands on his hips.

"do you think i have any other choice?" he mutters, rolling his eyes and i smile at him apologetically. i understand where he is coming from. when i was in university, which isn't long ago, i had to work early shifts too, and my mood definitely resembled his.

"alexander hamilton," i tell him, as his slender fingers move across many books, up and down and back and forth, his lips in a straight line and eyebrows drawn in concentration, before he finally pulls out a half spoilt book with a red torn cover. he looks at me as if i am stupid and flings the book at me in an annoyed manner.

"here you go," he says irritated and i just give him another smile, hoping to ease his aggravation.

"thanks dude," i pat his arm once before making my way back to the table.

damn, this is going to be one long morning.

forgive me for the first chapters are always a bit crappy but i aim to make them better! x

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