Part 10

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"Hey! Zoro-san!" Nami shouted towards the green-haired swordsman who was sitting on the deck, sleeping. Nami was standing with Izumi and Sanji who were holding several sacks full of treasure.

Zoro woke up, walking over to the railing and shouting back, "Hey, what is it?"

"We found a lot of treasure, can you help us get it onto the ship?" Nami asked. At the word 'treasure', Luffy suddenly jumped onto the railing.

"Treasure? That's great!" He quickly stretched out and grabbed the bags, while Nami, Izumi, and Sanji got onto the ship.

"We found a crown for you, Luffy!" Izumi held out a golden crown with several gems embedded in it.

"Whoa! That's so cool!" Luffy took the crown and put it on his head. "Now I'm the king of this island!" He grinned widely.

"I'll go make dinner now," Sanji walked towards the kitchen.

"Wake up, Cegan!" Izumi shouted, throwing one of the several bags of treasure at her sleeping friend.

The heavy bag landed on the blonde with a thud, causing her to turn into rope underneath its weight.

"Hey, Izumi, that's not nice!" Cegan complained as the rope pushed the bag away and she transformed back into herself.

"That's your share of the treasure, unless you want me to keep it," Nami explained. Cegan opened up the bag to see it was full of gold coins.

"Where am I going to keep all this?" Cegan asked. "It's not like use money, anyway. I just steal stuff instead." Cegan tied the bag back up then threw it to Nami. "You can have it, I don't really need this." Nami smiled widely at Cegan's generosity.

"Thanks! I'll be sure to keep this safe." Nami headed back to the girls' room with all of her treasure.

"Hey Cegan, look what I found!" Izumi held up a beautiful necklace with a large ruby pendant.

"Woah! That looks so cool!" Cegan stared at the necklace in awe.

"I'm definitely going to wear this one!" Izumi grinned, slipping the necklace into her pocket before picking up her bag and walking to the girls' room.

"Oh yeaaaaaaah! I'm a king!!!" Luffy exclaimed, jumping around with the crown on his head, his straw hat tied around his neck.

"I'd be careful with that, Luffy!"  Cegan shouted at him as he hung off of the mast.

"Yeah, don't worry!" Luffy tossed the crown into the air, landed on the front deck with a flip, then caught the crown. There was a rattling sound that came from the crown as it shook. "Hm, there must be something broken inside it," Luffy shrugged.

After a while, Sanji called everyone for dinner. He made a delicious fish that Luffy and Usopp had caught earlier, and everyone had a great time eating in the main kitchen. After dinner, everyone was exhausted and went straight to bed.

"Night, guys!" Cegan waved to Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji as they finally headed to the boys' dorm.

"Goodnight, my beautiful Izumi!" Sanji waved as he walked past the purplette.

Nami, Robin, and Izumi left to the girls' room. Cegan stayed behind as she saw Zoro sitting on the main deck, leaning against the railing. She walked over to see that he was sleeping, a snot bubble coming out of his nose as he snored.

"Hm. Silly marimo..." She mumbled to herself as she went to get a blanket. Once she found one, she draped it over him before heading back to the girls' room.

*time skip*

Nami was woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of the door slamming. It was still dark outside and everything was quiet. She could hear the distant crashing of waves against the sides of the ship, and decided to go back to bed.

Instead of being woken up in the morning by Luffy's shouts for food, she was startled to hear Cegan screaming for Izumi as she ran around the deck.

"IZUMIIIIII! WHERE ARE YOU!?!?" Cegan exclaimed as she jumped up to the higher deck.

"I haven't seen her," Usopp spoke up.

"Yeah, I haven't either, long-nose!" Cegan retorted angrily as she continued her search.

"Do you think she went for an early-morning walk?" Robin asked.

"There's no way she'd get up that early!" Cegan replied in exasperation.

"There's no sign of her on the shore either," Zoro shouted down from the crow's nest.

"Oh no, where is she?!?" Cegan shouted, running around in circles.

"Oh my dear Izumi-chwan, where are you?" Sanji exclaimed with heart eyes.

"Maybe she went looking for more treasure?" Luffy asked.

"She wouldn't get up in the middle of the night for that!" Cegan exclaimed.

"Hey, Cegan, I heard the door to our room slam in the middle of the night. Could that have been her?" Nami spoke up.

"It could be, but why would she leave, and where would she go?" Cegan pondered.

"I guess we'll go look for her!" Luffy exclaimed, pointing towards the forest. "She'll be somewhere in there!"

~To Be Continued~

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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