Chapter two

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I returned to English and had eyes on me right away. I felt one pair of eyes more then the others, Raymond. He was back from the nurse and I was instantly dead. He was going to kill me. I have a feeling, I'm never going to see another day in my life. I walk past him and his friends, they all jumped back like I was scary or something. Have I scared Ray? Yes! Yes I scared ray and his friends. I am complete. I guess keeping my feelings inside had done me right. The bell rang and Miss. Conrad told me to sit. Great. Everyone leaves with whispers and wide eyes.

"Art?" I heard this soft voice from.

"Mmhmm" I mumbled. Lucy walks in the door and she was angry. I could tell. Her use to be Snow White skin was now scary apple red. I'm dead. I made her red.

"Are you insane!" she practically yelled. I was insane. I never doubted that.

"Maybe" I said, which made her laugh.

"Can you you not get killed already, I do still need a walking home buddy" she said. Her skin was still red. Her face was hot, I saw the steam from her right cheek heating up.

"Are you okay?" I bluntly said. She looked at me with an open smile that turned pure fear.

"Fine as a button!" she said.

"Art, that was your warning. Throw a punch again in my class and I'll make sure to get Mr. Von." Miss. Conrad said in a deep scary voice. I nodded my head and took Lucy's hand, started running in the halls to the exit door.

I took her hand. I held her hand. She was in my reach! I pulled her down the hall. I had to get to that door before- I spoke too soon. He was there with his gang of hoodlums.

"Come on Charlie!" I said. I looked at my hand. Our hands and then Charlie.

"Today's Thursday!" he yelled. He was right.

"Charlie. Not today!" I yelled running in the other direction with Lucy following me. She looked so pretty with her hair blowing behind her. But her face was the faces of beauty. I loved that about her.

"Art! you can run but you can't hide!" Charlie said.

"Stop saying movie lines!" I said. "I'm not staying after for chess club. I hate chess club!" I said taking a sharp turn.

"Art, this is about chess!" Lucy stopped to take off her high heels.

"Yes! now run! these guys are ruthless!!" I said with a panic. She rolled her light brown eyes at me and grabbed my hand again. She grabbed my hand. She had my hand. She has in reach of me now.

We reach the exit and run off across the street. Safe. Lucy looked up at me and her eyes were in pain. Her feet were in pain. I huffed heavy.

"Come on" I said turning my back on her. I can feel her smile from here. She hopes on. I grab her thighs and pull her up higher. I'm not gonna lie, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed holding those thighs. Weirdo I know!

"Go on! to home we go!" she sang.

I told her about Raymond. I felt her mood shift. She jumped off my back and hugged me. She's hugging me? was it because I defended her? she smells amazing. She has this smell to her. It was a mixture of honey and green tea. I wrap my arms around her and really get into this hug. It wasn't like any other hug, it was like I was at camp for 9 months. I felt wanted. She pulls me closer and tighter. I felt at home. She pulled back a little bit. Her face was inches from me.

"Thank you art!" she said with sadness and relief.

"Anything for you" I said. Should I have said that? was it too creepy? I looked down then straight up, I saw her white lace bra and boob. I didn't want to look creepy by staring down there. My head says no, my eyes say do it and my little friend agrees. I look deep in her eyes. I will not even take a peek down there. She knows I'm not that kind of guy but damn do I feel like that right now. She moves her head closer to mine. Wait! a kiss? she never leaves my gaze and moves her head closer. I was doing the same. I just can't stop my body. I can't stop what my heart wants. Our lips were seconds from hitting each other until my mom happened.

"Art! honey! we have guest over tonight! let's go!" she ruined my life. My life is incomplete. I saw Lucy's eyes drop to the ground. I saw her body shift back. No please come back! I miss the warmth. I miss you already!

"Bye art! see you tomorrow. Bye mrs. Evens!" she said waving to my mom. My life is ruined.

"Bye Lucy!" I said giving her a quick hug, then hopping in the car.

"Mom I hate you. You ruined my life" I said putting my music in my ears and blasting it. I saw her lips moving but no sound just the sound of Life House. She rips my iPod away from me and yells.

"ART! IM TALKING TO YOU!" She said more like screamed.

"Mom, I can't talk to you. I'm still not over the fact you just ruined my life" I said blankly.

"Lucy is not the girl for you. Get over it!" she said.

"Mom I love you but you are completely pissing me off" I said as calm as the ocean in the morning.

"Young man!"

"Mom just stop.' I said taking my iPod back.

Hours after the almost kiss with Lucy, I've been in my room. I've been on YouTube, looking and listening to music that best describes my feeling. That's what I love about music, I can feel sad, happy or completely depressed and there will always be a song for me. A song that can make me cry or make me dance around my room. Music is life and my life is music. A lot of people say that music is their life and I understand but people don't understand how music plays a huge part of my life. I heard my cell phone ring. My phone only rings when my mom or grandma calls?

"Hello?" I said. Ii didn't know the number but it in area code.

"Art?" I heard this broken voice call to me.

"This is he" wow I said like my grandpa now. Great!

"It's... Lu-Lucy" she didn't sound like herself. She sounded broken.

"What's wrong?"

"Can you come over?"

"YES! I mean yeah sure" This isn't happening. She never EVER asks me to come over. To go over her house!

"Thanks Art!" I didn't notice that she hung up, I was in utter joy and could not focus on anything. I turned off my laptop and quickly put my shoes on. I was going to Lucy Swans house! I can never get old of that. I'm going to Lucy Swans house! see never. I run out of my room and to the front door.

"Bye mom! I'm going to Lucy Swans house!" never gets old.

Even thought I have a car. I just ran there. I never took a pause or a break it was about time I was noticed by her. It burned me inside to know that she was broken but Art Evens is here to fix you up! I kept running until I reached her beautiful house. Her house was white and huge. She lived on the rich part of town. Her fathers a lawyer and her mom is social case worker. I clear my throat and run up those stairs and knocked at that door, to only be greeted by Raymond Martinez.


Hello guys! I'm glad so far that you like it! I hope you like this chapter. Yes the chapters are short and I'm sorry. They will be getting longer soon but I just had a great idea and typed away. Hope you like it. Tell me what you think? I love hearing what you like and don't like.


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