The Date With 2-D

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Ugh! What should I wear?!

You go through your wardrobe, in desperation for a suitable outfit to wear on a date.

You find an embellished cerulean long sleeved mini dress with an A-line skirt. This one would go with the colour of his hair, haha!

You slip it on, careful not to smudge the lip gloss and mascara you just applied. You decide to leave your hair down and curl them at the ends.

You then put on a pair of bronze Chelsea Boots, grab your shoulder bag and exit your room.

You kiss your baby brother's forehead and say goodbye to your mother and stepdad on the way out.

You hop on your motorcycle and head to the windmill, avoiding the woods this time.

As you near the place, you see Russel happily playing on his drum set, intently nodding his head to the beat with his eyes closed.

You park a few feet in front of him, and get off your bike. "Um, Russel?"

He keeps on playing as he opens one eye to look. As soon as he sees you, he stops playing and both of his eyes fluttered wide open. He looks at you for a moment, almost in awe. You figure you've got his attention.

"Hi," you greet him with a wave, "I'm here to see 2-D." You say in a small voice, still afraid of Russel's massiveness.

Stepping away from his drum set, he walks towards you causing the earth to shake below your feet. Terrified, you take a few steps back.
He stops in front of you and leans down to place his hand on the ground, palm faced up, and waits for you expectantly.

"You want me to get on?" You tilt your face up to meet his.

He nods with a friendly smile, "Mhmm."

You step onto his palm and he gingerly lifts you up into the air. "Woah!" You laugh, losing balance and holding on to his thumb for support.

Once you are safe on the windmill's ground, you peek at Russel from the edge.

"Thank you."

He salutes you and goes back playing his drums.


You gasp, startled, interrupting 2-D's greet. You turn around to see him.
"Ah, hey. You look very neat-o." You admire him in a red plaid, long sleeved non-iron shirt, and a pair of dress pants and formal black shoes. Awww!

"You're lookin' very swell yourself, lady. Sorry, I didn't mean to pop up like that."

"I guess we're even."

He chuckles at the memory of you surprising him. "Hmhmhm. Shall we?" He reaches his elbow out and you loop your arm through.

He escorts you to the top of the windmill, and opens the door that leads to the balcony.

Oh My God. You gaze in amazement at how the area's been set up: There's a dinner table for two in the middle, draped in silver chiffon cloth and decorated with a bouquet of white roses. The railing is also decorated with more roses wrapped around them like vines. Little dim ornamental lights hang above, making the table cloth shine with its reflection. The lights from the city complements the setup, which gives you an idea why the lights should be dim.

"2-D, this is... Wow! I can't believe you put a lot of heart into this. It looks beautiful."

"Thank you. I really did." You see him look down at the bandages on his hands.

You start to feel sorry for him. "Well it paid off real good." You manage to successfully kiss him on the cheek.

He guides you to your chair and pulls it out for you. He pushes the chair forward in time as you perch down to sit. He goes around the table and a seat.

"I have to admit, I've never done anything like thi'th fo' a girl before, tho' conthider your'thelf th'pecial." He winks at you from across the table.

"Im honored."

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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