0|Finding Happiness

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Finding Happiness

Copyright © 2015, TheRealizations

The following short stories is a work of non-fiction. Anything that resembles to names, places, products, businesses, and actual events and incidents are part of the author's imagination or just a part of the author's life

This book is under the International and Federal Copyrighted laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized print or use of material is prohibited.

No part of this book shall not be reproduced or transmitted to any form of electronic or mechanical devices without any permission from the author, herself.

0|Finding Happiness- Social Anxiety

"It can't be." Fear crept up my skin like a slithering snake making me tremble. Hair stood erectly and I started to over think of terrible situations.

I don't have any friends in my class.

I glared at the long list of students that were in my section.

So many potential enemies!

I'm going to be a loner!

I don't want that!

Taunting voices kept bashing through my head as tears swell up in the corners of my eyes.

I-I don't want to commit mistakes!

I want to please everyone!

I don't want to be left out!

I can't- I can't-!

I buried my crying face on my palms and let out small and quiet cries.

Everyone is popular than me... How am I going to fit in!?

The back of my head was urging me to stop crying over this useless crap but... I can't socialize.

The last time I did it was when I have my old friends and grew on them but now... How? How am I going to make friends!?

If I don't make friends, I'll be judged!

I don't want that!

I sucked in my breathe and let it all out just to calm my nerves. It was the first day of school. The day where I will have no one to talk to...

I hate this section!

Why did I have to end up here!?

I sat in the further back of the classroom and boredly stared at the happy people who were already talking with their friends.

That stupid teacher probably had something to do with the organization of our section.

Well, the only thing to do here is to sit and stay quiet and pray to the Lord that He will give me a friend.

I tried not to doubt the Lord because HE is God and I could never doubt him.

My friends were outside the classroom making me stand up and enjoy the spare time with them to the fullest. It was the least I could do just to make me, myself feel better.

After a few hours I was sitting in class listening to the newly recruited adviser. He was... intresting... I guess a philosopher could make me fall asleep in minutes.

Rude as I can be. It wasn't my cup of tea but he is our Christian Living teacher. So I can have a small expectation that I will learn alot from him, hopefully.

The girl to my left looks like she came from a Chinese family and looks friendly. Should I talk to her?

Of course you should, idiot! God gave you a friend to accompany your sorry ass! Now talk to her!

"Hey!" I greeted with a dazzling my smile or so I thought. It looks more of a try hard awkward smile. Great. "My name is Felicia!"

"Hi... My name is..." She trailed off and covered her mouth with her handkerchief.

Uhh...what...? Wait... Do I smell bad? I can't smell bad I used Old Spice! And I still smell it!

"S-Sorry, I didn't quite catch it." I said and moved a little bit farther away just to appease my conscious body odor.

"Mi...lly" Her voice was so quiet that a squeak of a mousr can be heard!

"Mickey?" I can hear her snort from behind the cloth which was probably a good sign.

"It's Milly." She finally says it quite loudly.

"Man, could've done that sooner. Can you make your voice a little louder."

She coughed then answered. "Sorry, I am sick."

I almost fell of my chair as shock was written across my face. "Your sick?! Why the hell did you go to school??"

"No! I mean. I tend to get sick easily but not the ones that are big and all."

"Oh... Well, I hope you don't faint in class."


I felt anxious about what I would say. I am not used to this but hopefully I can get close to her. A smile crept up my face at my achievement.

I am still scared of what's going to happened next but... I hope it would be okay.

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