Chapter 10: Demon of the Hidden Mist

Start from the beginning

Kakashi picked Yukana up like a limp doll and put her on her feet, only for her to collapse on herself again. "You completely wore yourself out." The Jonin sweat dropped. Yukana just wanted to sleep for a few days.

"Let's go, loser. We have a mission to finish." Sasuke stated. Yukana opened her eyes with new determination and slowly got to her feet.

"Yeah, you're right Sasuke. Thanks for reminding me." The girl trudged forward with Tazuna and her team.

The group walked at a steady pace to the island's village and Yukana started to have one of her funny feelings again. Ok, the last time I felt like I was being watched, we were attacked. Naruto threw a kunai into a bush, startling everyone.

"Naruto!" Sakura scolded. "You can't just be doing that, it's dangerous." Then Naruto threw another one in the very direction where Yukana and Kakashi had just pinpointed the presence of another person.

Kakashi walked through bushes and the kunai was wedged into a tree where a white rabbit stood, frozen and terrified like Yukana is with water.

"Naruto! You almost hit a little bunny," Sakura ran over to the scared little creature and comforted it.

"Oh yeah, I've had those before." Yukana leaned towards the white furry creature.

"You used to have rabbits?" The pinkete asked.

Yukana looked away. "You could say that," and her stomach growled.

That's a snow rabbit. Kakashi realized. It's fur is white, meaning it has been raised indoors and mainly kept for substitution jutsus. Naruto actually did hit something.

Yukana's senses skyrocketed and looked to where the pair of spying eyes were and a huge sword came flying at them.

"Get down!" Kakashi yelled and Yukana immediately tackled Naruto to the ground in case he was too late. The group looked to where the sword was stuck in a tree and an intimidating ninja stood, balancing on the hilt. "Well, well if it isn't Zabuza Momochi." Kakashi recognized the shirtless man who wore pinstripe pants and cow print cut off sleeves and leg warmers. "Rogue ninja from the village hidden in the Mist." Naruto started to charge at the enemy, but the silvernete held him back. "You're in the way, get back." He ordered the blonde. "He's not like the other ninja. He's in a whole other league. If he's our opponent, I'll need this." Kakashi started to lift his headband to reveal the eye he keeps concealed.

"Kakashi of the Sharingan eye, did I get that right?" Zabuza spoke.

Sasuke's change in aura alerted Yukana and she studied his discomfort state.

"It's too bad huh? But you'll have to hand over the old man." The rouge referred to Tazuna.

The Sharingan? What's that? And, he's wearing a mask too. He could be a demon! Yukana narrowed her eyes at the newcomer.

"Now quick, manji formation. Protect the bridge builder and stay out of this fight." Kakashi ordered. "I taught you teamwork, now use it." Kakashi opened his eye to reveal a red iris and a black pupil with three tomoe.

Yukana gasped at the sight. What is that! It looks so demonic, but Kakashi's not a demon, I know it!

"Well, it looks like I get to see the Sharingan in action." Zabuza's low, intimidating voice sounded pleased. "This is an honor."

"Will someone please tell me what Sharingan is?" Naruto couldn't take waiting anymore.

"The Sharingan is a rare power that resides in the eyes." Sasuke explained. "It can comprehend and see any type of jutsu and deflect the attack, however, there's a lot more to the Sharingan than that." Yukana was completely absorbed in fascination.

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