High School USA

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Candice saw Chris sitting with his friends at lunch. She wondered what she did to make him distance himself from her. Had she not been good enough on Saturday for him to want to see her again?
Audrey hadn't spoken to Candice since Friday. Candice didn't know why. She felt like no one wanted her.
Finally Candice stood up and decided she had to confront Chris. She walked towards him. Her chest felt like it was collapsing. Lunch was almost over by this time.
"Chris..." She started to say.
Chris looked up at her and started laughing. "Why are you talking to me?" He asked.
Candice stared at him.
"I don't talk to losers," Chris said laughing. His friends started laughing as well.
"What're you talking about?" Candice choked out.
Chris smiled. "Did you know there was a bet you'd be too frightened to have sex with me on Saturday?" He asked laughing. "That's all I wanted out of you. You can go away now. No one likes you over here."
Candice felt her face turned red. Tears threatened to flow.
"Aw, is she gonna cry like a little baby?" One boy teased.
Candice took a deep breath. She looked at Chris. "I hope it was worth it for you," She said, "because you're not worth the tears."
Candice walked off. She gritted her teeth and walked to the bathroom. She felt sick to her stomach. She couldn't understand how she could be so blind.
Audrey walked into the bathroom. "I heard what happened," She said.
Candice turned around to look at her. "How did I not see what was going on?"
"I didn't see what was happening either," Audrey said shaking her head. "I'm sorry Candice."
Candice shrugged her shoulders. "It's not a big deal," She said.
The bell rang, and Candice and Audrey walked to their next class. The English classroom was loud as every was talking. Mrs. Robinson wasn't in the room so the students were being as loud as was possible. Audrey and Candice sat down in their seats and whispered together.
Judy came into the classroom, and it became silent. Her eyes were red and puffy, but she never said a word about her condition to any of the students. The tardy bell rang.
"Get out your copies of Julius Caesar, and read through act five," She said taking a seat at her desk.

Art stood at the front of his classroom. His students were copying down notes. James wasn't sitting next to Amanda; Roy was. The whole feel to the room was off. Art couldn't put his finger on what was off, but something was definitely off.
Art went through his lesson like normal until his students exited the classroom. James waited until all the students left before walking up to Art's desk.
"Mr. Garfunkel?"
"Yes Mister Roberts?"
"Can I stay with you again? My dad's been trying to get me again and staying Amanda isn't gonna work," James asked.
"Oh, that'll be fine. Do you not have someone to stay with?" Art asked.
"Well, my dad's been fighting for me to have to stay with him, but Amanda's dad been fighting him in court," James tried explaining. "Something came up with Amanda though, and I can't stay with her..."
"My house is always open," Art said. "I'll be staying after for tutorials, but I guess you could do your homework during that time."
"Thanks Mr. Garfunkel," James said.
Art smiled. "No problem," He said before starting on his grading.
Once Art was finished with his grading he went to the teacher's lounge like every day. As he entered he heard soft crying. His eyes zeroed in on Judy sitting at the table with her head rested on her hands.
"What's wrong?" Art asked sitting next to her.
Judy looked up at him surprised. She wiped her eyes. "My husband is trying to get custody of my daughter," She said wiping her eyes.
Art sat next to her and put his arm over her shoulders. "It's alright. Men almost never get custody of children, and you said that he hasn't got a job," He said.
"But she wants to go with him," Judy said sobbing.
Art's mouth opened for a moment. He hugged Judy tighter and laid his cheek on the top of her head. "Everything is going to be alright. Everything will be alright. I know the world feels like it's ending, but everything will be alright."
Art gently rocked Judy as she cried on his chest. He kept repeating that everything would be alright. He sincerely hoped that it would be. Judy didn't deserve this at all.

School let out and James immediately went to Art's classroom. Art wasn't in there. James sat down and waited. A few other kids walked in and sat in random stops around the room. James's eyes followed Candice as she took her regular seat near the front. She began to work on the homework. He stood up and walked towards her.
"Hey, my name's James," He said.
Candice looked up at him and frowned. "Candice," She said going back to her work.
"You were the sophomore homecoming princess, right?" James asked.
Candice shrugged. "Yeah."
James took a seat beside her. "Do you need help with your homework?" He asked.
Candice looked at him for a few moments trying to decide if he, like everyone else, was making fun of her. She decided that he looked enough like a loser to be genuine.
"Yes, I do actually," She said sighing. "I can't make heads or tails of this."
"Oh, it's easy, I'll help you," James said leaning in close and showing her the steps to do the problem but leaving the actual math part to her.
Candice tried not to notice how close James got as he showed her what to do. She could feel his body heat on her and his breath on her cheek. A blush crept up without her being aware of it. She was so nervous.
"Did that help any?" James asked giving them space.
Candice smiled. "You helped so much," She said. "Thank you so much."
"No problemo," James said backing off.
Candice smiled at him as he went back to the seat he was at.
Art finally entered the classroom and made his rounds around the room helping as he went. Soon he got to Candice.
"Do you need any help?" He asked.
Candice smiled and shook her head. "No, James showed me how to do it," She said before going back to her work. A cute pink blush was still on her cheeks.
Someone was actually nice to her. Someone actually helped her. She couldn't get her head out of the clouds.

(The chapter title is a song by Tommy Facenda, one of Gene Vincent's Blue Caps. There was like 28 different versions of this song each about a different group of schools. It was a minor hit, and from what I know his only hit not including his work with Gene Vincent.)

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