Chapter 22 - Meet Co-Workers

Start from the beginning

"Has Sinclair's court date been set?" Her voice was gentle and timid. Teetering on nervous for even asking to begin with.

Nathan glanced up. He didn't need to say a word to understand what she was looking at. All he needed was a quick glance at the folder and an intent gaze against her frown.

A criminal record. Fresh.

He could feel a frown tugging at his lips but refused, pushing it back into his cheeks. No. He didn't want to show her the agony he felt by all of this. She felt enough of it for the both of them.

He closed his folder, tossing it sloppily onto his desk. "Yeah, it's been set."

"When?" Without looking she set the folder into the 'important' pile.

Nathan crossed his fingers together. "It's been bumped to next week."

He could see her eyes widen, but continued.

"There was a cancellation. The man going on trial passed away in custody, and considering the severity of the case and the fact that he's been a hassle to control they want him dealt with as soon as possible."

Hazel nodded, eyes dropping to the edges of either of their desks where they kissed and rested sweetly upon each other.


Numbly, she looked up.

God how he hated discussing this with her. He knew it tore her apart inside to even think of the atrocities against her family. Now she was forced to not only re-live it, but also to function knowing the man who did it wasn't yet convicted.

He swallowed hard. "You'll probably need to testify. Because of," He hesitated, watching the way her eye quivered in understanding. "What he did to you."

She nodded, pushing herself out of her seat and leaning against the side of her desk. Exactly where she had stood when their entire case began. Staring at the billboard that was now crystal clean, only then it was scattered with crime scene photos, headlines and portraits of the family she once had.

Her eyes swept back and forth, surveying the scene that used to carry all of the information, but none of the answers. Now, it carried nothing. Something about it was so symbolic. How something could be so full and apparent one minute and completely gone in the next.

"Are you doing okay?"

She had hardly noticed Nathan had stepped beside her to join her, standing tall instead of leaning against his own oak surface. He stared down at her as he always did when he was concerned. She had been given that look a lot lately. While she adored the way it looked as if she was his world, his sun and stars, a part of her wished she wasn't.

She was to much of a hassle for him to worry about. Daily he was rushed to her side and to help her up stairs, to make food. He had even grown accustomed to organizing her pills for her. He would carry them around in his pocket and allowed his watch to beep every time she needed one. She was too much of a hassle for him.

She cleared her throat, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just," She shrugged, hoping to play it off as best as she could. "Just tired, that's all."

"Your medicine?"

Hazel nodded, a faint "mh hm" escaping closed lips. "Don't worry, it's fine. I'll get used to it."

"I'll always worry about your health, Hazel."

Her eyes opened, slowly shifting to the male beside her. Their eyes locked with ease, her awe meshing with his sincerity.

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