Chapter 6 - Meet Partners

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Same table. Same place. Just like clockwork.

The moment she had stepped through the coffee shop doors, book in hand, she was greeted by her new-found friend waiting in line grinning and nodding his head for her to come closer.

Exactly on time.

Maybe he would never know how much that pleased her, but it really, really did. Having someone make an honest effort to see her and be precise when doing so was oddly heartwarming and tender. A feeling she hadn't felt since her mother had given her the last hug she would ever receive and her last sweet kiss against her forehead.

"What novel today?" Her thoughts shattered as the male slid his hand in front of her body, passing her a beverage just as the barista finished it. Hazel blinked in surprise, glancing down at the fist that had shattered her thoughts but smiled kindly at it. Gingerly taking the drink she nervously rubbed her hand against the side as she made her way to their usual spot. It was oddly nerve-wracking that he had been paying attention to the idea that she wandered in with a book everyday. But it was also endearing that he was that keen on detail. With her fixating on every little thing and blowing it out of huge, anxiety-ridden proportions it was comforting knowing she wasn't insane and that other members of society did exactly what she did; studied.

Her pale hand lifted itself to her ear and tucked away a streak of auburn hair. "Sherlock Holmes." Her hands squeezed the pages as she glanced down at her novel, lifting it to slide across the table. Nathan gave her a wide-eyed, intrigued gaze and eagerly pulled it closer towards him.

"Hearing about your job yesterday made me curious. I decided to give it a try."

He smirked, turning the novel over and studying the brief snippet at the back and flipping absentmindedly through the pages, taking his time to roll his fingers over each one.

Hazel could feel her chest tighten and her stomach turn; she could feel him judging her. The way she was so oddly fascinated with his life and his job. The way she sought out a book that handles the same subject matter as his career. The idea that she had bought a coffee for him silently hoping that he would show up without as much as a confirmation. He must be thinking that she's some insane stalker or admirer that's preying on his life, studying it, getting as close to him as possible. Obviously, that wasn't the case. Yet, sometimes it was hard for her to understand what exactly her mind meant by doing or thinking or making her say certain things. Her and her brain seemed like two different beings at times. Right now it was screaming that she was insane and was freaking him out with all the poking and prodding.

"Would you like to come take a look around the office?"

She froze. Slowly looked up. Okay, that wasn't what she was thinking at all. She mentally slapped her brain for giving her such delusions.

"U-Uh..." She stuttered, her head leaning away from the table in shock and awe, as if he had taken off a mask and she was adjusting to the new look.

"It wouldn't be a problem, I promise. You don't exactly look like a threat to security." He chuckled while the statement caused her to glance down at her clothing. True. A white fuzzy sweater with a bunny on it, leggings, brown ankle boots and a bun in her hair didn't exact scream "security breach".

He shrugged his shoulder, one hand resting against the table while the other clasped his cup in his hands intently. "So, what do you say?"

This was so overwhelming, but in a new and better way. It was a refreshing sense of anxiety - as odd as it was of her to think that way. She was no longer nervous about how to respond to an action done to her, now she wasn't sure how to respond to an invite somewhere.

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